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Dacic on “good cop, bad cop” in Kosovo (Tanjug, B92)

Serbian Foreign Affairs Minister Ivica Dacic said he respects the fact the US is exerting pressure on Pristina to revoke tariffs on the goods from Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, Tanjug news agency reports.

However, he does not believe the US would succeed in making Pristina to do so.

Dacic told Voice of America that Ramush Haradinaj and Hashim Thaci play different roles in negotiations on Kosovo and it us unclear “who is whose cop”.

“Obviously, one plays good cop, the other one is a bad cop. The question is who is whose cop? That is why I said I respect the fact that the US excerpts pressure on Pristina, but I cannot believe they did not succeed in that,” Dacic noted.

He assessed the tensions between Belgrade and Pristina increased, however. Serbia will not take any moves, and it is in its interest to reach a solution as soon as possible.

Dacic added the dialogue is blocked, decision on tariffs is still in place, there is a decision to establish an army in Kosovo, Trepca statue, and all recent Haradinaj’s statements, therefore it is necessary to discuss about Kosovo at the UN Security Council session.

Commenting on Haradinaj’s statement on cutting communication with UNMIK, Dacic said it’s not a novelty.

“Haradinaj is only one in the power, they play good and bad cops. Of course, I think his statement is scandalous, and it would be scandalous if that happens. There are obligations of all Security Council member-states to warn Kosovo something like that can not happen. And that is why I think it is necessary to have the session on Kosovo,” Dacic concluded.