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Odalovic: I do not rule out new provocations aimed at Kosovo Serbs (RTS, B92, Tanjug)

Foreign Ministry Secretary General Veljko Odalovic said today that Pristina is panic-stricken and does not rule out new provocations and problems for Serbs

Odalovic told Radio television of Serbia (RTS) this morning that it is evident that Albanians cannot calculate and manipulate the Serbian List, so they try in other ways.

"As for Kosovo Serb parties, it is obvious that Pristina supports some parties. The dispute was made in a specific way. In the 1970s and 1980s, when we faced the emergence of some new state in Kosovo, we saw that the key people at that time were Serbs, and Albanians supported them. This is a tactic that is still of interest to them", said Foreign Ministry Secretary General Veljko Odalovic.

According to him, it is evident that the Serbian list cannot be calculated and manipulated.

"The Serbian List does not interfere in the Albanian elections, let them choose among themselves. We have a clear policy, the Serbian List wants and has every right to seek the support of the Serbs and I hope they will receive it," Odalovic said. He says that it seems to him that Albanians are quitter, putting aside war rhetoric.

Talking about the Brussels dialogue, Odalovic said it is obvious that it would continue.

"I hope the new administration will be more determined to implement the agreed. We want to sit with them to discuss things, we will not introduce alternative methods and measures. None of the proposals should be rejected a priori, there is no solution without dialogue", the Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said.