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Azem Syla, Ramush Haradinaj and Shukri Buja in the INTERPOL list (RTK)

The list of the 157 Kosovars wanted by INTERPOL for different criminal offences with the request of Serbia, is reduced on 22 individuals.

According to RTK, names of the senior institutional officials and former KLA commanders of different zones, used to figure in the previous lists, however not in the most recent one.

Media allowed to cover Azem Syla's trial (Koha)

EULEX judge, Arkadiusz Sedek, presiding over the trial against the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) MP Azem Syla accused on organised crime charges, has decided to open court sessions to the media after initially closing them off. Sedek justified the decision to open the trial due to the media importance of the case and its outcome. However, today’s court hearing was postponed for Thursday after one of the accused, Hajrullah Berisha, is reported to have fled Kosovo.

The court to decide on Azem Syla today (Klan Kosova)

The lawyer of the former Assembly MP, Azem Syla, Tomë Gashi, announced that the Basic Court in Pristina will decide today on whether to release or to extend Syla’s detention for additional three months. Gashi informed that the initial four month detention is over, and the Court will hold a special session to decide on the request of the EULEX prosecutor to extend Syla’s and the other suspects’ detention for additional three months.

Court: Witnesses against Azem Syla are at risk (Insajderi)

The news site reports that the Court has concluded that two witnesses against former PDK MP Azem Syla and his group, are at highest level of risk. For this reason, several sessions have been scheduled in order to get their testimonies, without having an indictment yet. In the decision on the approval of prosecutor's request for a special investigation, which the news site claims to possess, the judge says that the risk for these witnesses is at the highest level.

Azem Syla and Vidosav Nakovic, expropriated lands worth millions (

Insajderi has discovered that the main suspects among the 51 individuals, are Azem Syla, Shaban Syla, Ilaz Syla – Shaban Syla’s son, Azem Syla’s driver, Arton Vila, former head of the Pristina Municipality Court, Nuhi Uka, his uncle Tefik Uka, who worked as clerk at the Court, Shpresim Uka, Fahredin Gashi, lawyer Eduard Gashi, lawyer Mexhid Syla, lawyer Avni Maxhuni, his wife, Shqipe Maxhuni, Hajrullah Berisha, Dragan Maksimovic, Vukasin Stevic from Llapnaselle/Lapno Selo.