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Kremlin Seeks to Expand Influence in Increasingly Unstable Balkans (VOA)

Serbia's outgoing prime minister, Aleksandar Vucic, reassured European Union officials visiting Belgrade on Wednesday that his country remains committed to joining the European bloc — but he cautioned that Serbs also want to pursue traditional ties with "friends from the East."


Kosovo Sees Drops in Foreign Fighters to Mideast (VOA)

The number of fighters joining extremist groups in the Middle East from Kosovo, once the highest per capita in Europe, has come to a virtual halt, according to government officials, analysts, and ex-fighters.

The turnabout comes after a government crackdown in Kosovo on extremist recruiting, an increased education campaign to show the ills of radical groups, and a waning appeal of Islamic State militancy, experts say.


President Thaci: Kosovo Committed to NATO, Euro-Atlantic Mechanisms (VOA)

Hashim Thaçi, who was sworn in April 7 as Kosovo's president, says he remains committed to his country's quick integration into NATO and other Euro-Atlantic mechanisms and to continuing the process of normalizing relations with Serbia and fighting against Islamic fundamentalism.
