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Buja: Elections should be held in spring (Telegrafi/Tribuna Channel)

Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) MP, Shukri Buja, said in an interview with Tribuna Channel that spring next year is the ideal time for early local and national elections. Buja is adamant that the PDK should break up its coalition with the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), “because this coalition was not right since the beginning”. Buja also said he voted against sending the 2017 draft budget to the Assembly, “because it contains many mistakes”.

Buja: No, PDK has not agreed with LDK on the budget yet (Indeksonline)

The news website reports that the draft budget for 2017 is being kept “hostage” by the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) at the parliamentary committee for budget and finance. Although, Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) representatives said they have agreed to pass the draft budget, a PDK MP has a different position. Shukri Buja, a member of the parliamentary committee on budget and finance, told the news website that the PDK has yet to make a final decision to vote in favor of the current version of the budget.