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Mustafa to call off agreement with Thaci if he does not become prime minister (Gazeta Blic)

Leader of Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Isa Mustafa, before signing coalition agreement with leader of Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), Hashim Thaci, had imposed certain conditions to the PDK, the main one being that Mustafa becomes the future prime minister of Kosovo. Sources inside the LDK said that if this condition is not met, there will be no coalition agreement between with PDK. Mustafa is also reported to have insisted on the new government not including any official that has been implicated in corruption or any other illegal activity.

Knowing yourself through Ambassador's statement (gazetablic)

Adnan Rrustemi writes that Isa Mustafa’s political maneuvers without the slightest concern, about the promises that he made to his voters, demonstrate his disrespect for them. “To him, this was just a promise; he could have said the opposite as well. It is not important what voters think, they were always used and misused, depending on his needs or personal benefits,” writes Rrustemi and adds that politicians like Mustafa consider that if they could deceive voters once they can always do so.

Kuci: No posts have been divided yet (Gazeta Blic)

Hajredin Kuci, deputy leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), told the news website that the PDK and Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) have yet to divide posts. “We are still holding talks with the LDK. There is no disagreement,” Kuci stated. A senior LDK official, who preferred to remain anonymous, told Gazeta Blic that it is not certain if names rumored in the media would get ministerial posts. The source also said that the only certainty was that LDK leader Isa Mustafa would get the post of Prime Minister.

An outline of the next two years – when we will have forgotten what happened yesterday and these six months (Gazeta Blic)

Director of the news website, Astrit Gashi, provides in an opinion piece an overview of what he believes will happen over the next two years in Kosovo. He says that all the commotion and discontent over the coalition reached between the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) and Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) will have died down in two-three days and people’s attention will then shift to who the new ministers and their deputies will be. After this, the focus will be on the government plan and finding shortcomings in it.

Lutfi Haziri to Gjilan/Gnjilane population: I am yours until the end, with Isa Mustafa as Prime Minister (gazetablic)

Member of LDK leadership Lutfi Haziri, rejected in an indirect manner the circulating news that he will become the Prime Minister of Kosovo.  “I am with you that believe in the governing of the Democratic League of Kosovo, for the first time after 15 years sacrifice and compromises,” wrote Haziri on his Facebook page. “LDK will be working for the state, for pan-Albanian and Euro-Atlantic integrations, freedom of speech and prosperity,” said Haziri, a day after his leader, Isa Mustafa signed the agreement for co-governance with PDK.

Mustafa and Thaci reached agreement in Berlin, but did not agree on Prime Minister’s post (Gazeta Blic)

Hashim Thaci, leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) and Isa Mustafa, leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) reached the agreement for a coalition government last week. Reliable sources told Gazeta Blic that the two leaders met in Berlin last week where they reached the agreement. Sources denied statements by the LDK that it will get the post of Prime Minister. “Thaci and Mustafa only agreed for a coalition government and nothing more.

A couple of words about Isa and Hashim (Gazeta Blic)

Editor-in-chief of the news website, Adrian Collaku, says that the agreement formalised last night between leaders of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) and Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Hashim Thaci and Isa Mustafa, but actually agreed upon last week in Berlin, would be a surprise if it had happened a month ago but at this stage, such a development was expected. Despite this, a part of LDK staunch supporters have still been shocked by Mustafa’s move to join PDK. “Mustafa turned out to be an unpredictable player.

Haziri: No to the PDK. Prime Minister post belongs to LDK (Gazeta Blic)

Lutfi Haziri, member of the chairmanship of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), told reporters in Pristina today that LDK will continue to meet heads of branches and other structures before the meeting of the LDK General Assembly on Wednesday afternoon. “In line with the post-election coalition agreement and with respect to our role and the roles of our partners, we are trying to find a way forward for the establishment of institutions and to end the political stalemate that has engulfed Kosovo since 10 June,” Haziri said after today’s meeting of the LDK chairmanship.

Mustafa: We’re faced with new circumstances! (Gazeta Blic)

Isa Mustafa, leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), writes on his Facebook account today: “The Democratic League of Kosovo has shown its commitment to make necessary changes for good governance in the country together with the post-election coalition. There are two new circumstances that have made it difficult for the coalition to reach these objectives. First, the decision of the Constitutional Court to give only the PDK the right to nominate the Assembly Speaker.

Vjosa Osmani: I will not vote for the coalition with PDK (gazetablic)

Vjosa Osmani, the most voted deputy of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK,) after its leader, Isa Mustafa, stated before entering the meeting of LDK’s leadership that she does not change her mind and that she will not vote for the proposal for coalition with the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK.)

It is assumed that members of LDK leadership will discuss creation of new institutions without coalition block. Isa Mustafa, wrote today on his Facebook page that new (political) momentums impose new behaviors.