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Jahjaga wants to facilitate between PDK and the Bloc (Gazeta Blic)

Diplomatic sources told Gazeta Blic that President of Kosovo, Atifete Jahjaga, has already made it clear to the leader of Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), Hashim Thaci, and the post-election coalition leaders that she will wait to the end of this week for them to come up with a solution and if they do not, she will decide her future steps. “She cannot do much. They will either go to her together or separately and tell them of the election date. The legal basis for elections has been prepared by her staff and Americans”, said an unnamed official.

Jahjaga with a ‘recipe’ on announcing elections (Gazeta Blic)

President of Kosovo, Atifete Jahjaga, has already a ready-made recipe on how to announce new elections. International experts are said to have prepared the legal roadmap on how Jahjaga could announce elections if the political crisis persists. In a document which Gazeta Blic claims to possess, international experts advise Jahjaga to take into account that article 82 of the Constitution, which refers to the disbanding of the Assembly, is inapplicable as the Assembly has not yet been constituted.

Haradinaj: Institutions to be formed in line with coalition agreement (Gazeta Blic)

Ramush Haradinaj, leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), said today that the process of forming new institutions should be concluded in line with the agreement between the coalition partners. "The leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Ramush Haradinaj, met today with the party's forum, the chairmanship and leaders of branches, to discuss current developments, the overall political situation and the formation of institutions.

Not us – crime and corruption are winning the battle and EULEX (Gazeta Blic)

Gazeta Blic’s editor-in-chief, Astrit Gashi, in an opinion piece says that organised crime and corruption in Kosovo are winning their final battle, that with EULEX which, until very recently, was the only hope for battling them. Unfortunately, remarks Gashi, the battle against EULEX is being won, not by the citizens of Kosovo but by organised crime and corruption. “EULEX was the only threat that the organised crime and corruption, that political and economic mafia in Kosovo, was afraid of”, says Gashi.

Haradinaj: No redesigning of coalition agreement (Gazeta Blic)

Leader of the Alliance for Future of Kosovo (AAK), Ramush Haradinaj, said the Bloc’s agreement will not be redesigned. “I have not been asked to give up the post of prime minister and such a thing will not happen”, said Haradinaj after meeting leaders of Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) and Vetevendosje. Haradinaj said they will address once again Flora Brovina and ask her to call a new Assembly session where the MPs would be able to discuss ways to overcome the political blockade.

Jahjaga decides not to go to Belgrade (Gazeta Blic)

President of Kosovo has sent a negative reply to the organisers of the Trilateral Commission meeting set to take place in Belgrade from 31 October to 2 November. Klan Kosova sources from Jahjaga’s office said the President informed the organisers in a letter. She justified her decision with internal developments in Kosovo and efforts to facilitate the dialogue between political parties so that new institutions are formed as soon as possible.

Borchardt left EULEX after mission scandals came to light (GazetaBlic)

The mandate of former EULEX chief, Bernd Borchardt, had been extended by the German Foreign Minister and the EU High Representative, Catherine Ashton,for another year in Kosovo as Berlin wanted to see concrete results in the fight against corruption. However, despite Borchardt’s great efforts, desirable results were not achieved. Furthermore, after major conflicts appeared inside the mission, especially amongst its prosecutors, Borchardt had informed Berlin and was instructed to leave the mission as quickly as possible despite the duration of his contract.

Kosovo political leaders to declare: “Habemus Governo” (DW/Gazeta Blic)

Head of Deutsche Welle’s Albanian service, Vilma Filaj-Ballvora, writes in an opinion piece that disagreements between political leaders in Kosovo seem to be matters of perception and irrational interpretations of the Constitutions by the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), on one hand, and the post-election coalition, on the other. The entire debate right now is being focused on the post of assembly speaker and is taking place in an atmosphere of distrust and contempt. “This is not how democracy functions”, declares Filaj-Ballvora.

Arben Gashi: LDK should not aim the psot of Assembly President (Gazeta Blic)

Arben Gashi, Deputy of the Democratic League of Kosovo, stated that his party should not aim the position of the Assembly President, and that this post should be left to the Democratic Party of Kosovo. “It would have been good to consider this issue, because the country has entered a blockade and the blockade is dangerous, both economically and in the aspect of security.

Brovina clarifies: I will not call a session without agreement (Gazeta Blic)

Kosovo’s oldest MP and chairperson of the Assembly’s constitutive session, Flora Brovina, said she will not call another session without a prior agreement between political parties. “There is no sense in calling a session because without an agreement, neither the Assembly speaker nor the deputy speakers can be elected” said Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) MP. Asked how long she will maintain this stance, Brovina said that according to the Constitutional Court’s decision, there is no set timeline for electing Assembly speaker and presidency.