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Delawie: Religious leaders and families play crucial role on prevention of extremism (Media)

The Ambassador of the United States of America to Kosovo, Greg Delawie, saidtoday at the “Engagement of Civil Society in Countering Violent Extremism” round-table that violent extremism could be prevented if the religious leaders and Kosovo families are involved.

Delawie: Education a key to prevention of violent extremism (RTK)

The U.S. Ambassador to Kosovo, Greg Delawie, said today that violent extremism derived from dissatisfied, unemployed youth, who lacked the feeling of belonging, are now exploiting social media to add to their number, making the fear spread in a chain manner.

Speaking at a round table organized in Gjakova,  by Women’s Initiative in Kosovo, Delawie said “violent extremists spread stories, messages and ideology to attract individuals but also communities into their orbit.”