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Pentagon worried about Russia's meddling (B92, Beta, Pobjeda)

Pentagon spokesman Eric Pahon says the US is worried about "Russia's meddling in the Euro-Atlantic aspirations of the Western Balkans."

"Russia seeks to derail Euro-Atlantic perspective of the countries such as North Macedonia and Montenegro through the aggressive approach and deterrence," Pahon told Podgorica-based daily Pobjeda.
He added that the US "see North Macedonia and Montenegro are willing to choose freedom and success and everything that the West can offer."

Serbian Ministry of Defence "pleased Pentagon doesn't share US general's position" (B92)

We are pleased it has been clarified that General Scaparrotti's recent statements about Serbia and the Serb nation "are not the stance of the Pentagon."

The Serbian Ministry of Defence (MoD) announced on its website.

The announcement came after the US Department of Defence said on Thursday it was "misinformation" that prompted Serbian Defence Minister Aleksandar Vulin to criticize US Europe Commander Curtis Scaparrotti.

Serbian media: Kadri Veseli is buying arms from Pentagon (Gazeta Metro)

Serbian media continue to deal with all sorts of speculation  about Kosovo. The language of these media has significantly degraded in relation to Kosovo and Albanians. Consequence of this nationalist discourse is stopping of the train which was arriving from Belgrade to Kosovo and demolition of the wall in Mitrovica north.

“Shiptari” is the pejorative that some media in Serbia are using while referring to Albanians, the same word was used during Milisevic’s era.