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Lunacek: EU will not recognise a new demarcation agreement (RTK)

The outgoing European Parliament rapportuer for Kosovo, Ulrike Lunacek, said in Pristina that the EU would not recognise a new border demarcation agreement between Kosovo and Montenegro and called on the Kosovo Assembly to ratify the current agreement and pave way for visa lbieralisation. “I know the prime minister has appointed a new commission but the ball is now on the Kosovo Assembly’s side. You need to use this opportunity because this door can close on you. You need to act now,” Lunacek said.

Lunacek: Survivors of sexual violence should not remain silent (Klan Kosova)

Ulrike Lunacek, outgoing European Parliament rapporteur for Kosovo said that it is good that the issue of survivors of sexual violence is no longer taboo in Kosovo. She said these victims should not keep silent but raise their voice and seek equal treatment in the society. Lunacek praised former Kosovo president Atifete Jahjaga who she said is an example for Kosovo women and Igballe Rugova from the NGO sector who Lunacek said did an outstanding work with women survivors of sexual violence.

Lunacek to the new government: Vote the demarcation (Klan Kosova)

The EU Rapporteur for Kosovo, Urlike Lunacek, said that the new elected government should vote demarcation of the border with Montenegro. “I hope that those elected after the 11 June would act with responsibility and vote demarcation of the border with Montenegro and seriously fight corruption – the two main conditions for liberalization of visas,” Lunacek said through a video message for Kosovo, regional and international students who held a simulating meeting in Kosovo, and discussed visa liberalization among other issues.