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Tahiri: The Constitutional Court does not request renegotiation of the Agreement (

Kosovo’s Minister for Dialogue, Edita Tahiri, said today during the meeting of the government of Kosovo that the Constitutional Court did not annul any point of the agreement on Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities and neither was it requested to renegotiate the issue.

Tahiri: The airspace is under the sovereignty of Kosovo (Telegrafi)

Kosovo Minister without portfolio, Edita Tahiri, told the news site that the airspace over Kosovo is under the sovereignty of Kosovo. She said that in this period the airspace issues are in full coordination between Kosovo and NATO, while in terms of issues related to regional stability, Tahiri stressed that NATO is competent and makes decisions for the airspace stabilization program in the Balkans and Kosovo is part of this process as well.

“There will be no Association without removal of parallel structures in the north” (Koha)

Kosovo government yesterday presented to the European Union a short report on the progress and challenges in the implementation of the Brussels agreements this year. The report presents the overall process of implementation of all agreements reached in Brussels and is signed by Kosovo’s Minister without portfolio and chief negotiator in the technical dialogue, Edita Tahiri.

Kosovo government with special project on license plates (Tribuna Channel)

Kosovo Minister without portfolio, Edita Tahiri, told Tribuna Channel that the government of Kosovo is preparing a special project in regards to the license plates of the vehicles entering from Serbia. In this case, according to her, besides reciprocity the government is determined to solve two other problems.

Tahiri: SAA to be signed on 27 October (Koha)

Kosovo’s Minister without portfolio, Edita Tahiri, confirmed that the Political Committee of the EU ambassadors today took a decision to support the Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA) for Kosovo. "The signing of the SAA is scheduled for 27 October,” Tahiri said. "It is important that the reforms that are required for a country in order to sign the SAA were already met. This is a great success for Kosovo in the Euro-Atlantic integration process,” she added.  Kosovo has completed negotiations with the EU in July 2014.


Tahiri: Any further delay raises tensions in Mitrovica (Telegrafi)

Kosovo’s minister without portfolio and chief negotiator in the EU-facilitated dialogue with Belgrade, Edita Tahiri, said that delays in the start of works for revitalization of the Iber River main bridge in Mitrovica are unjustifiable and possible further delays will only increase tensions. In an interview for RTV Dukagjini, Tahiri said she was disappointed with the EU for postponing the works for 48 hours after they were initially planned to begin on 15 October.

Serbia continues to violate Brussels agreements (Kosovapress)

Kosovo’s Minister for Dialogue, Edita Tahiri, told Kosovapress today that Serbia on the one hand is working on the implementation of the Brussels agreement but that on the other hand it continues to support its illegal parallel structures in Kosovo. Tahiri said the Serbian Government on Wednesday made new appointments for parallel structures operating in the municipality of Leposavic. “This once again proves Serbia’s destructive approach,” she said.

Kosovo submits report on dialogue to European Union (Koha)

The Kosovo Government presented to the European Union today a report on the last six months of the dialogue with Belgrade. The report signed by Kosovo’s Minister for Dialogue Edita Tahiri notes: “In general terms, the Government of Kosovo considers that the Brussels dialogue has made very good progress in this reporting period because there were number of agreements reached in important topics and, the implementation process has been progressing in some of them.

Rejected applications for registration of EPS companies in Kosovo (Kossev, KIM radio)

Applications for registration of two companies from the north "EPS Trade" and "Electro-north", as companies with limited activity in Kosovo, or as a daughter company of Serbian Electric Power (EPS) were rejected, says Edita Tahiri.
She said that the applications have been rejected because they were not in accordance with the Kosovo law and the Brussels agreement on energy.


Kosovo admitted to international energy transmission system (Koha)

Kosovo minister without portfolio Edita Tahiri issued a statement announcing that Kosovo has gained international recognition in the energy transmission system as a result of agreement reached between the Kosovo Electricity Transmission System and Market Operator (KOSTT) and the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO). Tahiri said the agreement makes Kosovo an independent regulatory authority in the field of energy transmission. She also noted that the KOSTT-ENTSO agreement was a result of the EU-facilitated dialogue with Belgrade.