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Basketball players banned to enter Kosovo, Djuric, Srpska Lista react (RTS, Tanjug, RTS, B92)

Young basketball players of Sloga team from Kraljevo were banned to enter Kosovo and Metohija at Jarinje crossing point, Tanjug news agency reported.

Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director Marko Djuric reacting to the ban said, “there is no justification for such Pristina’s attack on the freedom of movement, which is now prohibiting young people to play sport and travel freely.”

Reactions to Djilas open letter to Vucic (RTS, Tanjug)

Following an open letter one of the opposition Alliance for Serbia (SzS) leader Dragan Djilas has sent to the Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, Marko Djuric and Srpska Lista have reacted to it, RTS reports.

Deputy Chair of the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) Main Board and Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director, Marko Djuric said that Dragan Djilas instead of addressing the international community or those who “hold a sword above the heads of the Serbian people” in Kosovo and Metohija, has decided to send a slanderous letter full of lies to the Serbian President.

Van transporting Serbs from Suvi Do to Mitrovica North stoned (Radio KIM, BETA, TV Most)  

On Saturday night at Mađer settlement, a group of Albanian young men stoned a van transporting Serbs from Suvi Do village to Mitrovica North, TV Most reported.

TV Most added no one was injured, because passengers had seen young men with stones on time, however, there were children in the van who got scared. Eyewitnesses told TV Most this is the tenth attack on Serbs traveling from Suvi Do village to Mitrovica North in one month’s time.

Srpska Lista: Thaci proved that case against Radoicic is political persecution (KoSSev)

Srpska Lista has reacted following Kosovo President, Hashim Thaci’s statement that “those who helped Milosevic and are friends with Radoicic – whom I expelled from Kosovo“ are talking about the partition. The largest Kosovo Serb party assessed Thaci’s statement as “a public and open confession that the case against Radoicic is political persecution,“ KoSSev portal reported.

Marko Djuric, Srpska Lista react to appointment of Minister of Agriculture (RTS, Tanjug)

Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director, Marko Djuric said that the newly appointed Minister of Agriculture in the Kosovo Government does not represent the Serbian people, adding such an act represents Pristina’s attempt to diminish unity among the Serbs, RTS reports.

Djuric noted “that newly appointed Haradinaj’s so-called minister of agriculture does not act in consultations and agreement with the institutions of the Serbian state and does not enjoy democratic legitimacy” and would be treated in accordance with that.

Simic: Speculations that there is agreement between Belgrade and Pristina (Danas, TV Pink)

Srpska Lista Deputy Chair Igor Simic told TV Pink that media reports saying, “there is an agreement between Belgrade and Pristina on delineation and division of properties are speculations,” Danas daily reports.

Simic noted at this moment the dialogue process is blocked, and there are “two realities in Kosovo,” “one in which Pristina politicians are living” and the other one “in which ordinary citizens in Kosovo live.”

Vucic meets Srpska Lista representatives, Milan Radoicic also present in meeting (KoSSev)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met on Friday with Srpska Lista (SL) representatives in Raska, including SL deputy-chair, Milan Radoicic, KoSSev portal reports.

Radoicic has made few public appearances since he avoided arrest by the special Kosovo police forces in Mitrovica North on November 23, last year. The Special Prosecutor’s Office of Kosovo has issued a warrant for his arrest on the suspicion of involvement in the murder of Oliver Ivanovic.

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Vucic urges Serbs in Kosovo not to join "Albanian army" (Tanjug, B92)

Albanians want to include as many Serbs from Kosovo Pomoravlje as possible into the Kosovo army, President Aleksandar Vucic said on Friday. And he urged the Serbs not to do that.

Vucic made his comments after a meeting in the Raska Disctrict with officials of the Serb List, a political organization in Kosovo that gathers Serbs.

He said that he told them Serbia and the Serbs cannot survive if they go against each other and asked them not to join or participate in the Albanian army in Kosovo and Metohija (KiM). "We will see if the Serbs will respond or not," he added.

Rakic invited Bahtiri to jointly submit initiative to annul Kosovo independence (Danas)

Chair of Srpska Lista Goran Rakic invited Mitrovica South mayor Agim Bahtiri to jointly send an initiative to the parliament in order “to make a decision on annulling declaration of independence and integration of Kosovo and Metohija into Serbia,” Danas daily reported.

This way, Rakic reacted to the fact that mayor Bahtiri yesterday submitted to the Kosovo President Hashim Thaci initiative signed by 15.000 persons for “unification of Mitrovica.”

Milan Radoicic’s case in legal vacuum due to unresolved relations between Belgrade and Pristina (Insajder, KoSSev)

The Vice-President of Srpska Lista, Milan Radoicic, who is being investigated by the Kosovo Prosecutor’s Office regarding his involvement in Oliver Ivanovic’s murder, organized crime and drug trafficking, and would be arrested if he returned to Kosovo, has passed polygraph testing in central Serbia and is moving freely, KoSSev portal reports.

This is possible because the investigative and judicial authorities of Serbia and Kosovo are not cooperating at a practical level, nor do they have mechanisms that would allow them to cooperate directly.