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Veseli: Border demarcation soon at the Assembly (Indeksonline)

Kosovo Assembly President Kadri Veseli said in today’s plenary session that the agreement on border demarcation with Montenegro will soon be brought to the Assembly for ratification. However, he suggested that a debate with MPs and civil society takes place beforehand. “I believe they are ready to join a round table before the issue comes to the Kosovo Assembly,” said Veseli.

Veseli promises transparency on demarcation process (Insajderi)

Kosovo Assembly Speaker Kadri Veseli said on Wednesday that there will be full transparency in the border-demarcation process with Montenegro. He further added that any decision taken by the Assembly will be in the interest of all citizens. “We should believe that any decision taken in the Kosovo Assembly will be in the interest of the Kosovo citizens,” Veseli said.

Assembly to convene Thursday, border demarcation not on agenda (Koha)

The Kosovo Assembly presidency decided to schedule the next plenary session on Thursday but the border demarcation agreement with Montenegro will not be on the agenda, said Assembly President Kadri Veseli. Asked by reporters to comment on the recent action by Vetëvendosje MPs who set up a Kosovo sign at the border with Montenegro, Veseli said no one should take actions that could impair neighbourly relations with Montenegro. “Not an inch of our country’s land will be given to another country”, declared Veseli at the end of the Assembly presidency’s meeting.

Kosovo leaders condemn attack at Istanbul Airport (media)

The Prime Minister of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa, condemned terrorist attacks at the Istanbul Airport stressing that Kosovo is shocked by the news. He expressed his condolences to the Turkish population and Government.

The President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, wrote on his consoling letter that terrorist attacks at the Istanbul Airport are unacceptable and strongly condemned. “Nothing can justify use of violence and taking of lives of the innocent people.” Thaci wrote.

The Assembly of Kosovo to gather on Thursday, demarcation and EULEX not in the agenda (Gazeta Express)

The Presidency of the Assembly of Kosovo decided to hold the next Assembly session on Thursday, 16 June, at 10:00 hours. The issue of the demarcation of the border with Montenegro was not even mentioned at the meeting. Discussions and voting on the extension of the EULEX’s mandate for two additional years, did not make the 17 points of Thursday’s agenda. However, the President of the Assembly, Kadri Veseli,  said that he believes that there will be a decision and agreement among the parties very soon.

Assembly schedules session for next week, border demarcation not on agenda (RTK)

The upcoming session of the Kosovo Assembly has been scheduled for 9 June but the anticipated border demarcation agreement with Montenegro will not be discussed at this time. Assembly Speaker Kadri Veseli said they are still in the process of discussing the issue adding that it will however be put to vote “soon”. “The moment we are convinced that the interests of citizens are not undermined, we will vote on this agreement”, he said after the meeting of the Assembly presidency.

Kuçi appointed Deputy Prime Minister, Hoxhaj Foreign Minister (Koha)

Kosovo’s Prime Minister, Isa Mustafa, today appointed Hajredin Kuçi in the post of Deputy Prime Minister and Enver Hoxhaj as the new Foreign Minister. Kuçi will also hold the Justice Minister post for the time being. During a joint press conference with the PDK leader Kadri Veseli, Mustafa said the changes made today will contribute to government’s efficiency and its goals.

Veseli: Some people are intentionally presenting Kosovo as a place of extremism (Klan Kosova)

Kosovo Assembly President, Kadri Veseli, said today that extremists want to create hostilities between countries and to destroy world cultures. “They want a world in hostility and animosities between cultures and countries; a world of chaos where human rights lose their meaning and value. Now is the time to unite around our liberal and democratic values. Religion is too important to be left in the hands of extremists. Now is the time for the victory of liberal humanism,” Veseli said at the Inter-Faith Dialogue Conference in Pristina.

Veseli: Kosovo determined to further peace in the region (RTK)

The President of the Kosovo Assembly, Kadri Veseli, met today in Pristina with a delegation of the Swedish Parliament, members of the NATO Assembly, led by Bjorn von Sydow. The meeting focused on the priorities of the Kosovo Assembly with special emphasis on security issues. Veseli said: “Kosovo is determined to further peace in the region; to contribute to mutual understanding and trust and to become part of security mechanisms such as NATO”.