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Kosovo police “took additional actions“ in investigation of “Vreme“ journalists’ burned vehicle (KoSSev)

In response to complaints expressed in an open letter sent to the Kosovo Police by the collegium of “Vreme” weekly magazine, in relation to the investigation of their car that caught fire near Jarinje crossing point, Kosovo police undertook additional actions and contacted the prosecution in order to look into the case initially labelled as self-ignition, Independent Association of Journalists of Serbia (NUNS) has announced.

North Mitrovica police officer and commander threaten lawsuit against KoSSev portal for citizens’ comments (KoSSev)

The KoSSev media news outlet received a warning from the two police officers of the Kosovo Police North Mitrovica station, before the launch of a possible lawsuit against the media outlet, the portal reported.

Police officer Milan Ristovic and the commander of the North Mitrovica station, Djordje Karamarkovic, in four separate requests, complained about the public (Facebook) comments on the news site, made in regard to their work.

Attack on Radio Belgrade and KoSSev portal journalists in Kosovo condemned (Radio Belgrade, Tanjug, KIM Radio, RTS)

An incident in which an Albanian tried to grab away recording equipment from Serbian journalists occurred on Sunday in Mitrovica North, during the visit of Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director, Marko Djuric, Serbian media reported.

Marko Djuric strongly condemned the attack against Radio Belgrade and KoSSev journalists, saying it indicates that political climate towards Serbs and free and unbiased reporting is bad, adding some people feel free to endanger even the physical integrity of journalists.

Delawie: We want to ensure that Serbs can see their future in Kosovo (KoSSev portal)

I want to say how important it is to my country, my Embassy, that Kosovo Serbs feel at home in Kosovo. We spend a lot of time and effort trying to improve the lives of regular people and we know their challenges, said U.S. Ambassador Greg Delawie during his visit paid to North Mitrovica, KoSSev portal reported.

Full interview is available here:



Murder of Oliver Ivanovic: Police invites public to submit information on vehicle (KoSSev portal)

Kosovo police made an appeal to the public today for the help in the investigation of Oliver Ivanovic murder, KoSSev portal reported.

The police sent to the media photo of a vehicle and invited citizens, in case they have information about that vehicle, to submit them to the police, KoSSev portal reported.

One more citizen from Kosovo killed in Syria (Kallxo, KoSSev portal)

One more citizen from Kosovo was killed in Syria, KoSSev portal reports today referring to the Pristina based

The person is from the village Palabarda, near Djakovica.

According to members of his family are informed about his death last night.

However, the circumstances of this murder are not clear. It is not known when he went to Syria and if he was a member of some extremist organizations active there, KoSSev further reports.

Dozens of citizens from Kosovo were killed in Syria.

Vehicle of well-known Gorani man, owner of grill & bar set on fire (KoSSev portal)

KoSSev reported that last night, Audi vehicle with KM plates, owned by A.A., from Gorani community, was set on fire in Mitrovica North. Kosovo police suspects this is an arson case.

“The vehicle was set on fire on Ivo Lola Ribar Street, with the use of an unknown flammable substance. Since the investigation is ongoing, I cannot talk about the motives at this stage,” Deputy Regional Commander of Kosovo police for the North, Besim Hoti told KoSSev.

Kabasic: Basic Court to start working on Monday, Department of Appeals deals with appeals (KoSSev portal)

In an interview to KoSSev news portal, President of the Basic Court in Mitrovica, Nikola Kabasic said that the Court in North Mitrovica within the Kosovo judicial system will start operating on Monday, at 8.00.

On the same day, the judges will start work in the court building in the former Jugobanka facility in South Mitrovica, as well as in the court units in Leposavic and Zubin Potok. In the north, the Department of the Kosovo Court of Appeals will also be led by the judge Milan Bigovic. This department will deal with the appeals and not the court in Pristina.