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Jahjaga: Without women, there would be no peace in Kosovo (Koha)

Kosovo’s President Atifete Jahjaga participated in the annual Assembly of the Kosovo Women's Network on Sunday. Jahjaga said that Kosovo women have held onto their shoulders the heavy burden of survival, peaceful resistance, war and that certainly the peace building would not be achieved without them. “We as a society are still facing gender prejudice and patriarchal mentality. Challenges to the complete realization of gender equality are many, for all of us, on every level and in all fields of life.

Living in a ghetto (Koha Ditore)

The paper’s columnist Lumir Abdixhiku writes today that visa liberalization wouldn't solve the problems of Kosovo citizens. Also, according to Abdixhiku, the right of free movement - taken as the last in the region - does not make any achievement. “Visa liberalization, however, would bring a glimmer of hope for Kosovars. It would bring a dignified treatment that Europe gives to young Europeans. But it did not happen.

EU standards should be the same for Kosovo and Serbia! (Koha Ditore)

KTV’s editor-in-chief Adriatik Kelmendi in his opinion piece argues that Kosovo and Serbia are part of Europe and that European standards should be applied to solve problems between Kosovo and Serbia. "Albanians through dialogue wish to round up the process of independence and sovereignty and to be equal with the other countries of the world in this regard.  Serbs know that they cannot stop this, but at the same time require much more autonomy and rights for members of their community in Kosovo.

Opposition to call a mass protest on 9 January (Koha/Telegrafi)

The Kosovo opposition parties – Vetevendosje, Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) – announced they will organise a mass protest on 9 January in Pristina demanding retracting of agreements with Serbia and Montenegro. The decision to call a protest was reached today in a meeting between opposition leaders. AAK leader Ramush Haradinaj also called on the police and judiciary not to follow political orders.

Citizens trust Kosovo judiciary more than EULEX (Koha)

Kosovo-based Riinvest Institute presented the findings of a recent poll that involved 1,000 respondents who answered questions about their faith in Kosovo institutions. The poll found that only 20 percent trust the Government of Kosovo and the same percentage of trust is also about the Assembly of Kosovo. 13 percent of respondents claimed they have faith in political parties and 22 on the anti-corruption agency.


Germany grants 17 million euros to Kosovo (Koha)

The government of Kosovo and the Federal Republic of Germany today signed an agreement on financial cooperation. With this agreement, Germany allocates 17 million euros to Kosovo for various projects in water and waste management.  The German Ambassador to Kosovo, Angelika Viets, said that so far Germany has supported Kosovo with over 500 million euros.

Kosovo institutions committed to fight gender-based violence (Koha)

Kosovo’s Deputy Justice Minister Lirak Çelaj said at the end of the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence Campaign that it is no coincidence that Dragash was chosen for the closing event because the municipality authorities have shown commitment and professionalism in dealing with cases of domestic violence. According to Celaj, this is also evident in the latest UN Women Report.

Our unbearable patience towards Serbia (Koha Ditore)

Lumir Abdixhiku is surprised that no one from the European Union or form Kosovo leadership reacted nor did they send a note to Serbia, when senior state officials such as Serbia’s Minister of Justice, Serbian army’s chief general, Minister of Defense and Orthodox Church representative waited on Vladimir Lazarevic, with state ceremony and treated him as national hero despite the fact that he was sentenced with ten years of prison for the war crimes in Kosovo,. “Reaction? None.

Mustafa: 2015, year of big decisions for Kosovo (Koha)

At the meeting of the National Council for Economic Development organised by the Government of Kosovo, Prime Minister Isa Mustafa noted that the year in going was a time of big decisions and changes in Kosovo. Among the main achievements in 2015, PM Mustafa singled the signing of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) with European Union which, he said, laid the foundation of Kosovo’s European perspective. “SAA will enable our businesses to have access to a larger market, completely different from what we had so far, reaching as many as 500 million consumers,” noted Mustafa.