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Combating corruption requires broad cooperation (Koha)

Kosovo Minister of Internal Affairs, Skender Hyseni, today participated in the regional conference on combating corruption and capacity building of the Kosovo institutions in combating high level corruption, organized by the OSCE Mission in Kosovo and supported by the German Federal Government. Hyseni said that the rule of law institutions are obliged to undertake all possible actions against corruption. "Corruption cannot be defined exclusively as a problem of a state, but it is a general problem.

Kosovo Assembly ratifies the Stabilization and Association Agreement (Koha)

With 86 votes in favor, the Assembly of Kosovo today ratified the Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA) with the European Union. The opposition MPs left the session before the voting process began as a sign of protest to the recent EU-brokered agreement with Serbia. The Assembly also approved the amendment to add the word Republic before the name of Kosovo in this document. Kosovo’s European Integration Minister, Bekim Collaku, said that as a result of this agreement, the fate of Kosovo will be more closely linked to the EU.

Jahjaga welcomes the ratification of the SAA in the Assembly (Koha)

Kosovo’s President, Atifete Jahjaga, through a press statement welcomed the ratification of the Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA) in the Assembly today. "Today we were united, despite our political differences, and together we made this vital step for the citizens of Kosovo, to strengthen the European perspective of our country. Today we started the irreversible way to make Kosovo a member of the European Union. This journey continues to be full of sacrifices and we must be attentive to the long list of priorities.

Veseli: Jahjaga is performing her constitutional duty (Koha)

Kosovo Assembly Speaker Kadri Veseli said today that  Kosovo President Atifete Jahjaga is performing her constitutional duty by addressing the Constitutional Court regarding the Association/Community of Serb majority municipalities. Veseli added that he hopes that the Serbian List representatives, who expressed their concern over the delay on the implementation of this association, will be more understanding on this matter.

EU Commissioner Hahn to address Kosovo Assembly on 6 November (Koha)

Kosovo Assembly President Kadri Veseli has confirmed the holding of the session on Monday for ratification of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) but did not explain why the timing was moved to 13.00 hrs. Veseli also said that they expect the EU Enlargement Commissioner Johannes Hahn to address Kosovo Assembly on 6 November. 

Kosovo Assembly to ratify the SAA on Monday (all media)

The Presidency of the Kosovo Assembly scheduled the next plenary session for Monday 2 November, in order to ratify the Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA). The news was confirmed by Aida Derguti, member of the Presidency from Vetevendosje Movement, who said that the Presidency has agreed to hold a plenary session on Monday for the ratification of the SAA. The session will start at 10:00. However, Derguti emphasized that the opposition will block the other session with other points on the agenda, scheduled for the same day starting from 13:00.

Only 15% of people satisfied with PM Mustafa’s work (Koha)

The UNDP Kosovo and USAID launched today  the Public Pulse 10, a survey  conducted during the period March – September 2015 in Kosovo.  According to this document, only 18% of Kosovo people are satisfied with the work of the Kosovo institutions. Until March of this year, 24% of respondents expressed their satisfaction with the Prime Minister Isa Mustafa’s work, while in September these ratings dropped to only 15 %. The main problem according to the respondents are related to socio-economic conditions.

Opposition signals agreement for Austrian president addressing Assembly (Koha)

The presidency of the Kosovo Assembly is set to meet this afternoon to discuss the possibility of calling a plenary session where the Austrian President Heinz Fischer would address the MPs. Sources told Koha that there are signals from the opposition that they will not try to block Fischer from speaking at the Assembly. Austrian President has started a two-day visit to Kosovo today on the invitation of Kosovo President Atifete Jahjaga.

Haliti hopes the opposition will be in the Assembly to ratify the SAA  (Koha)

Kosovo Assembly Deputy Speaker Xhavit Haliti, said today that he hopes that the Assembly Presidency will decide to hold a special session to ratify the Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA) and that he expects that the opposition to confirm their participation in this session.  “The ratification of the SAA requires two thirds of the MPs and I believe that the opposition will agree to participate in a session to ratify this important agreement for Kosovo,” Haliti said.


Kosovo signs Stabilization/Association Agreement with EU (all media)

Kosovo’s Prime Minister, Isa Mustafa and EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Federica Mogherini today in Strasbourg signed the Stabilization/Association Agreement (SAA) between Kosovo and the EU. Mustafa, after signing the accord said that this is one of the most important days for Kosovo. “Today, my country officially entered into contractual relations with the European Union. This agreement confirms Kosovo’s path towards the EU.