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Jaksic: Reforms more difficult than Kosovo (FoNet, Danas)

Serbia would easier resolve the Kosovo issue, than to truly reform and harmonize itself with European liberal values, a journalist and foreign policy commentator, Bosko Jaksic told FoNet news agency, adding that Vojislav Seselj is one of Serbia’s EU “progress measure”.

Jaksic pointed out to “a paradox situation” in which the EU over the last months after “selfish insistence on Kosovo,” “thanks to Russians” increased its interest for other spheres as well.

Jaksic: The use of the death of Oliver Ivanovic for political confrontations untasteful; Ostojic: The goal is to destabilize the state of Serbia (Politika)

The longtime editor of Politika Bosko Jaksic considers as untasteful the use of the death of Oliver Ivanovic for political confrontations, writes today Belgrade daily Politika.

''We could have been at least one day free of that kind of rhetoric, because of elementary respect towards Oliver Ivanovic, so let it continue today at that political level. Even today, it could not wait, than the day when he was killed, we were witnesses of heavy, extremely politicized and insulting statements," Jaksic told Tanjug agency.