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Detention Centre in Mitrovica lacks capacity (Kontakt plus Radio)

In the Detention Centre in Northern Mitrovica are people who are sentenced to several years of imprisonment, which is not in accordance with the Kosovo Law on Enforcement of legal sanctions, but neither in accordance with international laws and norms. Director of the Detention Centre Milan Radojevic says that in this institution can serve only persons who have been sentenced up to three months in prison.  "Detention Centre in Mitrovica is not the place where prisoners sentenced to long-term prison sentences should serve them.

Progress in integration depends on agreements (Kontakt plus radio)

Director of the Centre for Foreign Affairs, Aleksandra Joksimovic said that future implementation of the Brussels Agreement and Serbia's progress in European integration depends from the agreements on the four key topics of the dialogue on the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina on the high political level in Brussels.

Joksimovic said that not only the possibility of Serbian negotiations with the EU depends from the agreement on telecommunications, energy, Community of Serbian municipalities (ZSO) and "Peace Park" , but also Kosovo's.

Deleting the preamble of the Constitution is the signal that the Serbian government is ready for further concessions (Kontakt Plus Radio)

Program Director of the Bureau for Social Research (BIRODI) Pavle Dimitrijevic said today that the deletion of the preamble of the Constitution of Serbia will be a signal that the Serbian government is ready for further concessions related to the Kosovo. "Deleting of preamble from the Serbian Constitution will above all have political impact. That is political signal that relates to the shift in politics, in the sense of ignoring, or giving up, UN SC Resolution 1244 which has so far been a stronghold of the Serbian Government in any negotiations and foreign policy, when it comes to Kosovo.

Shots at Info portal KoSSev office in northern Mitrovica (Kontakt plus, N1, Tanjug)

Unidentified individuals fired shots at the office of information portal KoSSev in northern, Serb-populated part of Mitrovica, portal official Nevenka Medic stated on Thursday.

Nedic told Tanjug that the portal's premises were hit by seven shots and though substantial material damage was caused, nobody was injured in the incident which occurred when the employees were not inside the building.

The Kosovo Police Service performed the preliminary on-site inspection and investigation is underway.

The pace of return of Albanians in Brdjani area (Kontakt Plus Radio)

Kosovo Minister of Local Government Administration Ljubomir Maric announced that in Brdjani area, in Mitrovica North, will have to be solved the problem of the cadastral zone between the municipality of North and South Mitrovica. On the other side in Pristina is formed the working group for return of IDPs to this settlement.

Condemnation of the attack on EULEX vehicles (TV Most, Kontakt plus Radio)

The Citizens’ Initiative Srpska strongly condemned attack on EULEX vehicles near Leposavic. They appealed to security structures to find the perpetrators. "Srpska invites all people to participate in a comprehensive investigation into these serious attacks. This is a direct attack on the rule of law and such acts must not be tolerated, regardless of the motives and circumstances," the statement said.

Kosovo will be deleted from the Constitution? (Kontakt Plus Radio)

This week, the Serbian Government action team for changing the Constitution, composed of representatives of the parliamentary parties, will held the first meeting. The president of the team, and the chief of caucus of the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS), Zoran Babic, assures the public that the MPs would first focus on changing the electoral political system i.e. reducing the number of MPs from 250 to 150. Babic said that they are willing to listen to the proposals of any interested citizen in Serbia, denying earlier media speculation that foreigners will write the highest legal act.

Stojanovic: Key security risk is "Greater Albania" (Kontakt Plus Radio)

President of the Parliamentary Committee for the control of the security services Momir Stojanovic thinks that in addition to international extremism and terrorism a key security risk for Serbia is realization of the project "Greater Albania".

Stojanovic said that it is not excluded that the wave of terrorism, launched in Macedonia, will spill over into Serbia, even though the institutions of Serbia have taken all preventive measures from the operational and intelligence perspective.

Opening of the Centre for preventive action and protection of women against violence (Kontakt Plus Radio)

Center for preventive action and protection of women against violence (CPPW), the first of its kind, is opened in Kosovska Mitrovica. As said, CPPW will be available for women who are victims, or potential victims, and all other women who suffer any discrimination.  The Center will provide legal, economic and psychological support. Beside office in Mitrovica north CPPW will have also operational office in Zubin Potok.