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Former KFOR Officer: I will see to it that Norway withdraws the recognition of Kosovo (B92, Tanjug)

I will fight for Norway to annul the recognition of so-called Kosovo, a Norwegian Christian Cash, former KFOR Officer claims

"My aim is to try to persuade Norway to withdraw the recognition of so-called Kosovo. I talked to many about that, and as a member of the Democracy party, I tried to enter the Parliament two years ago. Had I succeeded, I would have suggested to the Government to annul the recognition”, Cash says for Belgrade based daily Politika.

Commander of the US Military Base Bondsteel: Thaci visit was about local politics (RTV Gracanica, N1)

Colonel Nik Ducic, commander of the US Bondsteel base in Kosovo, said on Friday that President Hashim Thaci’s visit to the Gazivode lake was about domestic politics.

The colonel told Gracanica TV that the visit upset both the Serb and Albanian communities even though there were no incidents. “You know that there was a protest in Pristina that day which was not reported by the media. There were no incidents and no one was arrested. I wouldn’t exaggerate but would view this as a domestic political step,” he said.

Corruption is Kosovo's main problem, colonel says (N1, Vecernje Novosti)

Colonel Nick Ducic, the new commander of the US military base in Kosovo has assessed the situation in Kosovo as stable, noting that the crucial problems Kosovo is faced with are corruption and organized crime.

Speaking for Belgrade-based daily Vecernje novosti, Ducic has announced his soon visit to the central Serbia, where he will meet the Serbian Army’s representatives.

Person arrested for trying to illegally enter U.S. KFOR base (Kallxo)

A person has been arrested after trying to illegally enter Bondsteel, the U.S. KFOR base in Kosovo. The incident is reported to have occurred last night at around 8 p.m. The daily police report stated that the suspect is believed to suffer from a mental disorder and that this was not the first time he tried to commit the same act.