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Mogherini in Pristina and Belgrade (RTS, TV Most, Akter)

High Representative of the European Union, Federica Mogherini on Thursday will be in Pristina and on Friday in Belgrade. She will encourage dialogue between the two sides in a meeting with the heads of government of Serbia and Kosovo, and see how to overcome the stalemate over the statute of the Association/Community of Serbian municipalities.

Belgrade, Pristina police directors discuss migrants issue (Tanjug, Akter)

Serbian Police Director Milorad Veljovic met in Belgrade Tuesday with the police director from Pristina, Spend Maxhuni, to discuss the issue of increased influx of migrants from Kosovo in the countries of the European Union, the Serbian Ministry of Interior said in a release.

The police directors also talked about joint efforts in the fight against all forms of organized crime and security related incidents along the administrative line between central Serbia and Kosovo.

AI: Serbs in Kosovo subject to attacks and discrimination (Tanjug, Blic, Akter)

LONDON - Amnesty International (AI), a human rights NGO, states in its annual report on the human rights situation in Serbia that Serbs are still subject to attacks and other minorities discriminated against in Kosovo, and a special court to try former members of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) is expected to be set up there as well.

"Serbia should become Albania's ally" (B92, Akter,Blic)

BELGRADE -- Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama sayst Serbia "should become an ally of Albania, in order for the people in the Balkans to find peace."

"We have had a very difficult past, a years-long break in communication and a very dramatic period because of the regime in Belgrade and the ethnic cleansing in Kosovo, but we are absolutely certain that a completely new period is in our hands and that an immense number of opportunities lie before our countries," Rama told the N1 television, Beta reported.

Albanian PM wants Serbia "to recognize Kosovo" (B92,Politika,Akter,Blic)

TIRANA -- "The sooner Serbia formally recognizes that Kosovo will never again be its part, the better for Serbia and the region," says Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama.

In an interview for the AP, he added that he "firmly felt and believed" that "they have already recognized it without saying so."

Ethnic Albanians in Kosovo in early 2008 unilaterally declared independence, but Serbia rejected the proclamation as a violation of its territorial integrity and sovereignty.

Returnee's house burned in Klina (B92, Akter,Beta)

Unknown persons set fire to the house of Serbian returnee in village Drsnik in Klina municipality.

This was stated by the Commissioner of the Commissariat for Refugees of the Republic of Serbia, Bozidar Sarkovic.

Sarkovic, who is also a councillor in the Municipality Assembly, told Beta agency that last night around 21.00 hours a house was set on fire. The owner was late Mladen Dabizljevic, whose wife Milosava (70) at the time of the incident was not in the house but in central Serbia.

Police conducted an investigation and the investigation is on-going.

Krasniqi: All depends of the ZSO statute (Akter)

While representatives of the Serbian List announce the requirements for entry into the Kosovo government and partnership in the formation of institutions, political analysts see this as a threat to the strengthening of the influence of Belgrade in Kosovo.

Establishment of the Union of Serbian municipalities (ZSO) outside of the constitutional framework for a number of analysts is a very sensitive matter. But there are those who believe that there should be a general debate on the formation of the association, according to Pristina based newspaper Tribuna.