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Analysts: Macron does not represent France only; his visit has wider significance (RTS)

French President Emmanuel Macron has great ambitions regarding the role of EU and thinks the EU can resolve Kosovo issue on its own, along with Belgrade and Pristina, RTS reported.

This was said on the RTS special broadcast dedicated to the visit of President Macron to Serbia. Sonja Liht from the Fund of Political Excellence said a major step ahead was made in terms of bilateral relations. She added this step ahead should also be seen in a wider context, given that Macron mentioned Germany several times.

Vukadinovic: Tacit statement of Macron regarding Kosovo (Danas)

No Serbian daily news press reported on the statement of French President Emmanuel Macron who said that Serbia and Kosovo are European states and we need to help it become reality, and the state leadership did not react to it as well, Serbian Assembly independent MP Djordje Vukadinovic said, Danas daily reports.

Macron's Belgrade visit, day 2 (B92, TV N1, Fonet, Serbian media)

President of France Emmanuel Macron continues his visit to Serbia, meeting with the students from the Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO). Accompanied by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, Macron will talk to the representatives of Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO), the project within Berlin Process.

"Euronews" reports on Macron's Belgrade visit (Tanjug, B92)

In its Belgrade report on the visit of President Macron, "Euronews" underlines his promise to relaunch Belgrade-Pristina dialogue. After meeting his Serbian counterpart Aleksandar Vucic, Macron said he would invite delegations from Serbia and Kosovo to Paris, along with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, "Euronews" reports.

"We are seeing rising tension and sometimes these tensions are fueled here and there by external powers that have an interest in making sure no deal is found," Macron said, as "Euronews" carries.

French media: Macron in Serbia with the aim of reviving "severed relations" (B92)

President of France Emmanuel Macron will come to Belgrade today aiming at restoring "severed relations" with Serbia, today's French press assesses.

French television "France 24" states that Belgrade-Pristina relations will be among main issues for discussion. This broadcaster reminds of the fact that this is the first visit of the French President to Serbia after Jacques Chirac's stay in the Balkan region back in 2001.

Dacic comments on Haradinaj’s statement about France (Tanjug, Vecernje Novosti, Prva TV)

Serbian Foreign Affairs Minister Ivica Dacic commented last night on the statement Kosovo Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj made regarding the role of France in reaching agreement between Belgrade and Pristina, by saying ironically he “sees how much Haradinaj respects the role of France,” Tanjug news agency reported.

Dacic added that could be seen during the recent meeting in Berlin, noting that the visit of the French President Emmanuel Macron to Serbia is good message to Pristina as well, given that Macron will not visit it.

Dacic: I hope Macron would end game related to Pristina tariffs (Danas, Blic)

Serbian Foreign Affairs Minister Ivica Dacic said today he hopes that French President Emmanuel Macron, who is coming to visit Belgrade, would end a “game” related to the Pristina’s tariffs and offer assurances it would end soon, Danas daily reports.

Responding to a question, if France can influence Pristina to revoke the tariffs in order to continue the negotiations with Belgrade, Dacic said he hopes to hear that response from the French President.

Dacic: I will probably sing Champs-Élysées to Macron (Kurir, B92)

Foreign Affairs Minister Ivica Dacic said that during today's visit of French President Emmanuel Macron to Serbia, he will sing Champs-Élysées to him, if the chance presents itself

"I have already sung to Macron two years ago in Trieste, and I will do so now as well, if I had the opportunity. I have to learn some French song quickly. It would probably be Champs-Élysées", Dacic stated for daily "Kurir". Today, President of France is coming to two-day visit to Serbia.

Macron comes to Serbia directly from Russia, taking over the role of mediator? (Blic, Tanjug, B92)

Despite his standpoint against EU expansion, French President Emmanuel Macron comes to Belgrade with a message that France supports Serbia's EU integration.

This is according to Belgrade-based newspaper Blic that further said President Macron will pass on to the President of Serbia that France supports Serbia in resolving an open conflict with Kosovo Albanians. In this context, daily states that Macron's relations towards Pristina's representatives had changed, stressing that this change of course of French President in favor of Serbia is novelty.

Paris summit called off due to Pristina's behaviour in Berlin, says Djuric (RTS, N1)

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Pristina said that Pristina representatives acted irresponsibly and arrogantly towards the host at a preparatory meeting for the Paris summit, in Berlin, which was one of the reasons why the summit was cancelled, reports Serbian media. Djuric added that someone in Pristina was very nervous and feared of Serbia.