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Kosovo Serb Priest Under Fire For Opposing Partition (Balkan Insight)

Prominent Kosovo-based Serbian Orthodox priest Sava Janjic has come under intense criticism from the Belgrade authorities and pro-government media for opposing a territory swap between Serbia and Kosovo.

The abbot of the Decani monastery, Sava Janjic, has been facing daily criticism from Serbian officials and tabloids close to the government for his opposition to Belgrade’s idea of partitioning Kosovo as part of a deal with Pristina.

Vucic: Idle talk, nothing happened, God willing, nothing will happen (KoSSev)

„I don’t want anyone to die either in the North or in the South. I devoted all of my time, a tremendous amount of time, and a tremendous amount of energy to it.“

„You invited me to respond to rude and impudent gossip“ – this is how Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, commented for TV Pink TV information about the „recent scenario of a mutually staged incident in the north of Kosovo to provoke partition in the field.“