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IMF Deputy Managing Director Min Zhu visits Kosovo (RTKLive)

Kosovo Finance Minister Avdullah Hoti received today in a meeting the Deputy Managing Director of International Monetary Fund (IMF),Min Zhu. During the meeting it was discussed for enhancing cooperation between Kosovo and the International Monetary Fund, economic and financial developments in Kosovo, and the possibility of signing an Agreement between Kosovo and the International Monetary Fund. Zhu said that the IMF mission team will start negotiations on a new program between the IMF and Kosovo.

European Integration Minister visits Sweden (RTKLive)

Kosovo’s Minister of European Integration, Bekim Collaku, will travel to Sweden today to meet with senior officials of the Swedish Government and to obtain support for advancing Kosovo’s European agenda and to deepen the bilateral cooperation.  Collaku will be received by Foreign Minister of Sweden, Margot Wallstrom, with whom he will discuss the Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA) and visa liberalization dialogue for Kosovo.

Kosovo Assembly to vote on special court on 29 May (Koha)

The Presidency of the Assembly of Kosovo decided today that on 29 May the Assembly will vote on the constitutional amendments that enable the establishment of the special court.  The head of the Vetevendosje Parliamentary Group, Glauk Konjufca, said that the establishment of this court is very harmful for Kosovo, because, according to him, everyone knows who committed crimes in Kosovo.

Eleven houses for the returnees to be built in Istog (RTKLive)

Kosovo’s Communities and Returns Minister, Dalibor Jevtic, visited two Serb families in the municipality of Istog/Istok.   The families have lived for the last ten year as tenants and containers. The Ministry has started the construction of new houses for these families.  Jevtic said that eleven houses for returnees have started to be constructed in Istog. Moreover, he said that since he took over the ministry, sixty families have accepted to return, and he expressed his hope that this positive process will continue.

Zbogar: Special court to clarify Kosovo’s image (RTKLive)

The European Union Special Representative to Kosovo, Samuel Zbogar, said on Thursday that Kosovo should establish the special court in order to clear the allegations on war crimes as well as to establish the truth. He also mentioned the consequences of not establishing the court, saying that in this case Kosovo becomes the object of interest and international decisions. "If the vote is no, which is possible, and Kosovo rejects the establishment of special chambers, that would send Kosovo back, before the supervised independence and others will decide for Kosovo’s future.

Limaj: Special court violates Kosovo’s sovereignty (RTKLive)

The leader of the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA), Fatmir Limaj, called on Kosovo Assembly MPs not to vote in favor of the establishment of special court.  According to him. this court violates Kosovo’s sovereignty. He said that the Kosovo Assembly is just a doll which cannot decide on things independently.  Limaj made these comments after the Legislative Committee proceeded to the Assembly the constitutional amendments which open the way for the establishment of the special court.

EU countries offer study opportunities for students from Kosovo (RTKLive)

The Croatian and Finnish embassies in Kosovo, during am Education Fair held in Pristina on the occasion of Europe Day, offered different training programs for students from Kosovo.  The education fair, although open for only two hours, has managed to attract a lot of attention from students who think that studying abroad is the best option. Dafina Zherka, Information Officer at the EU Information Center, said that this exhibition aims to inform the Kosovo students to study abroad.