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Thaci: No one should be concerned about creation of Kosovo’s army  (RTKlive)

The ceremony of certification of the first generation of Kosovo Security Force (KSF) recruits from non-Albanian communities is being held today at the Doctrine and Training Command in Ferizaj.  Kosovo President Hashim Thaci, the U.S. Ambassador to Kosovo, Greg Delawie and KSF leaders are participating at the ceremony which is taking place at “Skenderbeu” caserne.

Abdullahu: Dehari's case overshadowed the attack on Assembly (RTKLive)

Faton Abdullahu, adviser to Prime Minister Isa Mustafa, said on Wednesday that the case of Vetevendosje activist Astrit Dehari who died in Prizren detention center has diverted the attention from the attack on the Kosovo Assembly building a few months ago. Abdullahu said that in the case of the attack on the Assembly there was no petition or requests for extraordinary sessions to condemn the act.

RAE communities encounter difficulties in findings jobs (RTKLive/REF)

The Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian (RAE) communities continue to face high unemployment in Kosovo. According to RAE communities’ representatives, 90% of members of these communities do not have employment contracts. The government of Kosovo has drafted a strategy for integration of RAE communities in 2008. However, RAE communities representatives say that this strategy has remained only on paper and it was never implemented in practice.

Kosovo government allocates 20 thousand Euros for the families of the missing (RTKLive)

Kosovo government approved today the decision to allocate 20 thousand Euros to support the project of the Coordinating Council of Family Associations of the Missing Persons in Kosovo for the rehabilitation of the families of missing persons. Kosovo’s Deputy Prime Minister, Hajredin Kuci, said this amount of money is intended for different activities for family members of missing persons, including spa treatments for their rehabilitation.

Veseli: EU unfairly keeps Kosovo citizens isolated (RTKLive)

Kosovo Assembly President Kadri Veseli, met today with Croatia’s Ambassador to Kosovo, Marija Kapitanovic, with who he discussed the excellent relations between Kosovo and Croatia. Veseli and Kapitanovic also discussed the steps being undertaken by Kosovo in the path of European integration, with particular emphasis on the process of visa liberalisation for Kosovo citizens. Veseli said that the EU is unfairly keeping Kosovo citizens isolated.

Delawie offers support for strengthening rule of law in Kosovo (RTKLive)

Kosovo’s Minister of Internal Affairs, Skender Hyseni, met on Monday the United States Ambassador to Kosovo, Greg Delawie. Hyseni and Delawie discussed the cooperation between Kosovo and the US in the field of rule of law.  “In all the processes through which we have passed, we always had the support of the US and for this we will always be thankful,” Hyseni said.

Serbian List confirms participation on demarcation debate (RTKLive)

The leader of the Serbian List, Slavko Simić, today confirmed that his party will participate on the debate on border-demarcation with Montenegro to be held on 3 August. Simić said he supports the public debate and hopes that a concrete solution will come out from the debate. “It should be a technical solution through negotiations… The best way to confront the public is with all the facts and to find a pragmatic solution,” he said.