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Dutch ambassador: Unrealistic to expect visa liberalization this year (KosovaPress)

The Netherlands Ambassador to Kosovo, Robert Bosch, told KosovaPress news agency that the expectations that Kosovo will have visa liberalization within this year are unrealistic and says that in the most optimistic case,  it might happen in early 2016.In regards to special court which will address war crimes allegations, Bosch said that although it still has nothing concrete in this regard, it is expected that this court become functional within this year.

Lawsuit against Serbia to put to vote at Kosovo Assembly soon (Kosovapress)

Kosovo Assembly is expected to vote on the resolution sponsored by the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) paving way for Kosovo to sue Serbia for crimes committed in Kosovo. This was confirmed by Assembly Speaker Kadri Veseli who said that the resolution needs to be harmonized with other parliamentary groups before put to vote in one of the upcoming Assembly sessions.

Zbogar: Economic development to solve Kosovo’s problems (KosovaPress)

The Head of the European Union Office in Kosovo, Samuel Zbogar, said on Tuesday that the European Commission will support Kosovo's priorities, such as those of agriculture, energy, education and employment.  Zbogar made these comments at a workshop organized by the Embassy of Italy in Kosovo. Attending this workshop, among others, were also ministers Blerand Stavileci and Memli Krasniqi, and the Governor of the Central Bank of Kosovo Bedri Hamza. The latter said he welcomes any business, as well as an Italian bank in Kosovo.

Assembly Speaker met the new British ambassador to Kosovo (Kosova Press)

The Speaker of the Kosovo Assembly, Kadri Veseli, met on Tuesday the new Ambassador of the United Kingdom to Kosovo, Ruairi O'Connell. Veseli and O'Connell discussed the latest developments in Kosovo and the cooperation between Kosovo and the UK. According to Veseli, O’Connell expressed satisfaction for the task that has received and commitment to help advance the development processes in Kosovo".

Thaci begins consultations for Kosovo president post (Kosovapress)

The leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo, Hashim Thaçi, has begun consultations for taking on the post of Kosovo president in 2016. Sources from Thaci’s cabinet confirmed that the PDK leader is discussing his candidacy with party leadership and his advisors. His campaign is also expected to begin soon. Sources said that although the current coalition agreement with the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) specifies Thaci’s election to the post of president next year, there are certain LDK MPs who oppose the idea.

Two vehicles of police officers set on fire in northern Kosovo (Kosovapress)

Citing unnamed sources, the news site reports that two vehicles belonging to Kosovo Police officers were set on fire in two separate cases in the northern part of Kosovo on Wednesday evening. One car was set on fire in front of the police station in Mitrovica North, while the other vehicle was set on fire in the Bosniak Mahalla in the north. According to sources, both vehicles were set on fire at the same time.

Mustafa: Armed Forces won’t go to the north without agreement with NATO (Kosovapress)

Kosovo’s Prime Minister, Isa Mustafa, said in the meeting of the Kosovo government today that the draft law for the establishment of the Kosovo Armed Forces (KAF) is ready and that now 2/3 of MP votes need to be secured for the adoption of the law. Mustafa also said that the Armed Forces will not go to the northern part of Kosovo without a prior agreement with NATO.

Mustafa to confess on the 100 days, on 2 April (Kosova Press)

The Kosovo Assembly chairmanship has decided to continue with the unfinished session on 2 April and start with the new one at 14:00 hours of the same day. Deputies will debate on the 100 days of the new government of Kosovo.

Asked about the possibility of failure on the voting for the special court, Assembly Speaker Kadri Veseli said that it is still unknown what will happen but that it is important for the Assembly to make transparent and legitimate decisions.

Former KLA combatants to protest in front of government on Monday (Kosovapress)

Former Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) combatants will protest on Monday in front of the Kosovo government building in Pristina. They will demand the publication of all lists of war veterans and the implementation of the law on KLA war values. Disappointed with the delay in the publication of lists, former KLA combatants said they will hold no responsibility for the outcome of the protest.

PM Mustafa in Tirana: Brussels, our final joint destination (Kosovapress)

Kosovo Prime Minister Isa Mustafa said today in Tirana that the joint meeting of the governments of Kosovo and Albania is the realization of the old dream for unobstructed cooperation between the two countries. He added that this cooperation was also confirmed in the previous meeting of the governments in Prizren and this should serve as a model of regional cooperation.