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Real men do not beat women (KosovaPress)

The OSCE Mission in Kosovo has launched an information campaign against domestic violence. The campaign titled "Real men never beat their wives" includes TV ads and posters in Albanian and Serbian language, and features two combative sports professionals: Armend Xhoxhaj - boxer and Marko Bozovic – kick boxer. This campaign will last four weeks and it aims to help prevent domestic violence. It also encourages the public and the victims to report such cases.

LDK insists: Prime Minister is ours (kosovapress)

The Democratic League of Kosovo has not changed its position and it will defend decision of its leadership that the post of the Prime Minister will belong to LDK.

Arban Abrashi from this party said that they will respect the decision of the party’s leadership, because the decision of the Constitutional Court made them request reconsideration of the agreement and request the post of the Prime Minister.

Public Pulse: Satisfaction with Government, legislative and justice declines (Kosovapress)

UNDP and USAID will present today findings of the Public Pulse report that provides perceptions of Kosovo citizens on religious radicalism, political stalemate and what they consider main problems in Kosovo are. The document shows a significant decline of citizens’ satisfaction with the work of key institutions. According to a statement from UNDP, the document covers the period from April to November 2014 and follows the tradition of previous reports by analyzing the changing of situation in the political, economic, security fields. The project is co-founded by USAID and UNDP.

Hoxhaj: Dialogue to end in a Peace Treaty (Kosovapress)

Kosovo Foreign Minister, Enver Hoxhaj, said in an interview for the leading Slovakian paper Pravda that Serbia has already recognised reality of an independent Kosovo. With regards to his visit to Belgrade in October, Hoxhaj said that the presence of a Kosovo foreign minister in a conference of regional’s chiefs of diplomacy is a natural step in improvement of relations between Belgrade and Pristina. “It was an informal meeting but I nevertheless received an invitation like all the rest.

EU: Rama's visit, a sign of positive change in regional dialogue (kosovapress)

Federica Mogherini, the EU High Representative for Foreign Policy and Security, considers the visit of the Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama to Belgrade to be “a sign of positive change of the regional dialogue in Western Balkans.”

“The two day visit should represent a turning point in the relations between the two countries. We expect from both leaders to show a renewed determination and political courage, to look toward the future and rebuild relations after so many years,” said Mogherini, during her visit to Berlin.

Mufti Ternava in Vatican for interreligious dialogue (Kosovapress)

Kosovo Mufti, Naim Ternava, has travelled to Vatican where he is expected to take part in the third Catholic-Muslim interreligious dialogue. Twelve prominent people from both religions will discuss in the three-day forum about how to work together and serve the others. The first two Catholic-Muslim forums were held in 2008 in Vatican and in 2011 in Jordan. Participants of the forum are also expected to be received by Pope Francis.

Arifi: The Bloc is not giving up on the Assembly speaker post (Kosovapress)

Advisor to Ramush Haradinaj, Avni Arifi, said that the post-election coalition bloc has not taken any decision to give up the post of Assembly speaker, as some media reported today. Arifi also said that the Bloc was supposed to meet this afternoon but the meeting is not yet confirmed as one of the Bloc’s members is absent. As a result, Arifi said that the meeting could be postponed for tomorrow or the coming days.

Post-election coalition bloc to meet this afternoon (Kosovapress)

Leaders of the post-elections coalition consisting of Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Alliance for Future of Kosovo (AAK), Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) and Vetevendosje are expected to meet today at 16.00 to discuss ways for establishing new Kosovo institutions. The meeting is also expected to focus on redesigning of the coalition agreement although the Bloc’s leaders have denied this. LDK leader, Isa Mustafa, said he wasn’t sure whether the Bloc would address the media after the meeting which will take place in AAK’s offices.


Cliff: Political interference preventing businesses from operating (Kosovapress)

British Ambassador to Kosovo, Ian Cliff, spoke about the current situation which he said is critical for Kosovo’s development. In a graduation ceremony for students of a private college in Pristina, Cliff said it is still quite challenging to do business in Kosovo and that Kosovo is moving slowly on the World Bank rankings for doing business. “There is still great deal of corruption and political interference that need to be overcome but nevertheless Kosovo is achieving its goal”, said Cliff.