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Thaci insists: Stalemate can be resolved only through dialogue (Kosovapress)

Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) officials continue to insist that only an agreement between leaders of political parties can resolve the current political deadlock. PDK leader, Hashim Thaci said his party will decide on future steps in a meeting of the steering council tomorrow. He stressed that the stalemate can be resolved only through communication and discussion of issues within the framework of efforts undertaken by President, Atifete Jahjaga.

Haziri dismisses reports of LDK-PDK agreement (Kosovapress)

Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) member of presidency, Lutfi Haziri, has dismissed reports in certain local and Albanian media outlets that they are moving towards a coalition agreement with Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK). Haziri said that there is no agreement and that the post-election coalition is working for establishing legitimate institutions. Earlier media reports suggested that LDK leader, Isa Mustafa, is expected to agree to a coalition with Hashim Thaci’s PDK under the pressure of the US and German embassies.

Kosovo Government approves draft budget for 2015 (Kosovapress)

Government of Kosovo has passed the draft law for 2015 budget that will reach around 1.5 billion euros. According to the acting Minister of Finance, Besim Beqaj, the 2015 budget has a growth of 8 percent compared to that of 2014. Beqaj said next year’s budget will be able to handle all estimations regarding pays raise, compensation for KLA veterans, former political prisoners and capital investments. Prime Minister Hashim Thaci said the 2015 budget will bring an economic growth of 4.1 percent.

Religious leaders to teach a lesson to political leadership (Kosovapress)

Leaders of Muslim, Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant, and Jewish religions came together in Kosovo today to demonstrate a spirit of religious tolerance and coexistence. They also called on political leaders to take their example in finding common grounds and not fear compromises. In the second annual conference of interreligious dialogue organised by OSCE, religious leaders expressed their concern over the lack of law on religious communities.

Haradinaj disappointed with President Jahjaga (Kosovapress)

The refusal of President Atifete Jahjaga to address the Constitutional Court asking it to clarify item 127 of its recent ruling on election of Assembly speaker has caused disappointment with the leaders of the post-election coalition made of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Alliance for Future of Kosovo (AAK) and Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA). The Bloc’s candidate for prime minister and leader of AAK, Ramush Haradinaj, said he does not agree with Jahjaga’s move not to send the request to the Constitutional Court.

Rasic will not sign minority communities’ request (Kosovapress)

Leader of the Democratic Progressive Party (PPD) Nenad Rasic said he will not sign the request initiated by representatives of minority communities to ask President Atifete Jahjaga to address the Constitutional Court for further clarifications as the request, according to him, calls for avoiding new elections which is undemocratic. Rasic said the Serbian List is afraid of the prospect of fresh elections and wants to avoid them but added that he favours the idea as elections are part of a democratic process.

Thaci meets EULEX chief Meucci (Kosovapress)

Outgoing Prime Minister, Hashim Thaci, received today the new chief of EULEX, Gabriele Meucci, and discussed continuation of cooperation between EULEX and Kosovo institutions to implement rule of law and fight corruption and organised crime. In a Facebook post, Thaci said he assured Meucci that institutions of Kosovo will continue support for efforts in strengthening democracy, rule of law, economic development, conclusion of visa liberalization process and implementation of EU and NATO integration criteria.

Police raid several premises in Mitrovica North (Kosovapress)

Kosovo Police raided several premises in Mitrovica North on Thursday during a wide-scale operation against drugs and weapons. Zeljko Bojic, head of police operations in the north, told Kosovapress that the operation went according to plan and that there were no incidents. Kosovo Police deputy director for the north, Besim Hoti, said the police operation was successful even though no drugs or weapons were confiscated. “What is important is that we have conveyed a clear message to the people as far as preventing different criminal offences is concerned,” Hoti said.

One month detention for Fuad Ramiqi and others (Kosovapress)

A period of 30 days in detention has been ordered for the leader of the Islamic Movement to Unite (LISBA), Fuad Ramiqi, and a group of eight other persons arrested on suspicion of being involved in terrorist activity. The news was confirmed by Ramiqi’s attorney who is expected to appeal against the decision arguing that it is unconstitutional.

Remains of 12 persons killed by Serb forces to be repatriated today (Kosovapress)

Mortal remains of 12 persons killed during the conflict and recovered from the mass grave in Rudnica, Serbia, will be handed over to Kosovo authorities today. Kushtrim Gara from the Kosovo Government commission for missing persons said the remains will be returned from Serbia, through EULEX. The handover is expected to take place today at two o’clock, at the border crossing of Merdare.