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Flora Brovina as PDK’s “Casus belli” (Koha Ditore)

Publicist Halil Matoshi remarks in his column for the paper that the chair of the Kosovo Assembly’s constitutive session, Flora Brovina from the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), has two options in front of her. Brovina can choose to refuse to chair the session because the PDK that has become a minority in the Assembly is violating the principle of democratic majority and this would enable the opposition bloc to appoint another chairperson to unblock creation of institutions.

PDK with additional names for Assembly Speaker (Gazeta Blic)

The Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) announced on Tuesday that Arsim Bajrami will be their official candidate for the Speaker of the Assembly of Kosovo. However, PDK does not plan to give in if Bajrami does not manage to gain sufficient number of votes. Sources of GazetaPlus within PDK said that based on the decision of the Constitutional Court, which gives PDK the exclusive right to propose and elect candidate for the Speaker of the Assembly, this party has prepared a list with additional names to be presented to the parliament.

PDK youth in Pristina meet Mufti Ternava (RTK)

A group of youth, members of the Kosovo Democratic Youth met in Pristina head of Islamic Community, Mufti Naim Ternava.

The meeting focused on current developments in Kosovo and also on the act of burning the ISIS flag in Pristina. The youths explained that their act yesterday was not intended to insult religious feelings of Kosovo Muslims. The aim of the act, the youths said, was to oppose terrorist actions of the ISIS group and their criminal acts directed at children and women  which are in conflict to Islam.


Mustafa: Decision on mandate of international judges must be withdrawn (RTK)

sa Mustafa, leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), writes on his Facebook account today that the Constitutional Court last month made a decision “as advised by the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK)” and that it has complicated the election of the President of the Kosovo Assembly. “Proof of this is statements by PDK officials who explained the decision several days before it was announced.

Constitutive session to continue on 12 September (kohaonline)

The chairperson of the constitutive session of the Assembly of Kosovo, Flora Brovina, decided during her meeting with the representatives of the Democratic Party of Kosovo and minority parties, to hold the constitutive session of the Assembly, on 12 September, at 10:00 a.m.

The Democratic Party of Kosovo was represented by Enver Hoxhaj, while the opposition coalition and Vetevendosje did not participate, despite Brovina’s invitation.

Brovina: Preparations for assembly session will be finalized next week (RTV21)

Flora Brovina, MP from the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), who chaired the constitutive session of the Kosovo Assembly, told RTV21 that the session would not resume this week as preparations will be finalized next week. Brovina also suggested that the opposition bloc consisting of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) and the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) should not become nervous.

Beqiri: Request for new elections, Thaci's blackmail (RTKlive)

Ismet Beqiri, general secretary of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), stated today for  that coalition block considers that the request for new elections, expressed by the adviser of the outgoing Prime Minister, Hashim Thaci, is blackmail. Beqiri said that the Democratic Party of Kosovo is trying to intimidate one of the three parties that have formed the after-election block. “We say that he is very much mistaken because the Block never feared new elections.

Haradinaj: If the session is not called for this week, we will collect 40 signatures (RTKlive)

Leaders of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK),  Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) and Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA)  met today to discuss the preparations for the Kosovo Assembly session, where the speaker of the Assembly is expected to be elected.

Ramush Haradinaj, leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo, said after this meeting that if the Assembly session is not called for this week, then they will manage to call the session on their own, by collecting 40 signatures of the deputies.

Haradinaj: We will neither negotiate nor talk with Hashim Thaci (Radio Free Europe)

“There is a very clear tendency to force us into entering negotiations with Thaci and the Democratic Party of Kosovo. There is a tendency to keep one part of the power at any cost,” Ramush Haradinaj, leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), says in an interview for Radio Free Europe. Haradinaj also argues that the opposition coalition (LDK-AAK-NISMA) will not make any compromise with the PDK, “despite the fact that the decision of the Constitutional Court tries to force political parties to talk with the PDK”.

Thaci calls on leaders to rise above their own interests (Gazeta Express)

After the Constitutional Court announced its ruling on the election of the President of the Assembly, Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) leader Hashim Thaci has called on leaders of other political parties to rise above their party and own interests. “Let us now work together to implement the results of the June 8 national elections. The PDK, as winner of these elections, will work with a generous will and a spirit of understanding with the Kosovar political spectrum. Now is the time for every leader and every party to rise above their own interests for the sake of the state and society.