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Jevtic: We will work so that everybody can return to Kosovo (Blic)

Minister for Communities and Returns in Kosovo Government Dalibor Jevtic said today in Plemetina village that the goal of this ministry is to initiate closing of all collective centres in 2016.  Minister visited the villages in the municipality of Vucitrn/ Vushtrri, "which were almost forgotten." He stated that the construction and reconstruction of houses for returnees will be continued, not only in Obilic but throughout Kosovo, with the goal that within three years everybody who want return to Kosovo.

Jevtic: The future of Serbs in Kosovo is education (Blic)

Minister for Communities and Returns in Kosovo government Dalibor Jevtic visited Kamenica and Novo Brdo, where he met with mayors and visited the school and kindergarten.

In the elementary school "Desanka Maksimovic" in village Ajnovce, the ministry together with the EU Office in Kosovo funded revitalization of the central heating. "Our future and the future of the Serbian people in Kosovo is education, and we must continue to invest in our schools and our children," said Jevtic.

Jevtic: The return is not only to ensure the house (KIM radio)

Return is not only to ensure the house and household items, the return must be a job, education and health care, said Jevtic to KIM radio.

-Our strategy has changed in the way that someone who once lived in Pristina, and want to return can do so either in Pristina or Gracanica where exist the most basic conditions, education, health care, even employment, because only so is sustainable - said Jevtic.

The pace of return of Albanians in Brdjani area (Kontakt Plus Radio)

Kosovo Minister of Local Government Administration Ljubomir Maric announced that in Brdjani area, in Mitrovica North, will have to be solved the problem of the cadastral zone between the municipality of North and South Mitrovica. On the other side in Pristina is formed the working group for return of IDPs to this settlement.

Jevtic: Serbs must return to Mušutište (TV Most)

Kosovo Minister for Communities and Returns Dalibor Jevtic and Deputy Prime Minister Branimir Stojanovic attended the church celebration in the destroyed monastery of Sveta Trojica (Holy Trinity) in the village Mušutište, in Suva Reka, with a hundred of internally displaced Serbs.   "In the past year, we persistently worked on creating conditions for the return of displaced Serbs to Mušutište. One of the priorities for this year is to build the first fifteen houses and to return first 15 families in the municipality of Suva Reka, in particular in Mušutište.

The indictments directed against return (KIM Radio)

The Association of Displaced people from Đakovica/ Gjakove announced that the indictments against Serbs from that city should serve to hamper the return of Serbs to that city. “All persons who are on the indictments, announced by the Municipal Court in Djakovica/Gjakova, on the basis of which the EULEX issued warrants, are on the list to return to Djakovica, which was submitted to UNMIK, OSCE and other international organizations. On the indictments are persons who didn’t sell their property hoping to return to their birthplace.

OSCE: Still no solution for return of displaced to Kosovo (Politika, Tanjug)

PRISTINA - As many as 15 years after the Kosovo conflict, there are still no lasting solutions for the return or integration of around 220,000 people displaced outside Kosovo and the 17,000 internally displaced living in Kosovo, shows the latest report of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE).

According to the report, the number of returnees is declining every year, although Kosovo's ministry for communities and return has undertaken significant measures to help the displaced population.

Djuric: Few returnees in Kosovo (Tanjug)

SKOPJE - A very small number of internally displaced persons (IDPs) returned to the southern Serbian province in the past 15 years, Director of the Serbian government Office for Kosovo-Metohija Marko Djuric warned during the two-day regional conference in Skopje.

During the conflicts in Kosovo, around 230,000 people were displaced, while 23,000 more Serbs, Roma and other non-Albanians were internally displaced in the province itself. Several thousand IDPs returned to the province until now.

For a massive return to Kosovo (TV Most, RTK2)

The return of displaced persons to Kosovo as a main theme was discussed at the first regional conference in Skopje, organized by the International Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). A large number of senior officials from Belgrade, Pristina, Podgorica and Skopje attended the conference.

Press release of the Ministry for Return announced that the OSCE representatives, who organized the meeting, have said that the aim of the conference is finding lasting solutions for the sensitive issues of return.