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Konjufca: Opposition determined to block any session of the Assembly (Koha)

Vetevendosje Movement parliamentary group chief, Glauk Konjufca, said today that the opposition is determined to block any session of the Assembly. "The united opposition is determined to block any session of the Assembly. The Assembly can hold the session only after the government withdraws from the Brussels agreements. So far the government has not given any signs that it is ready to withdraw from these agreements, so, our actions will be the same.

Gjini: Assembly will be blocked, opposition has strategic plans for protests! (Gazeta Blic)

Ardian Gjini, deputy leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), in an interview for the news site, said the opposition bloc is determined not to allow the normal functioning of the Kosovo Assembly until the Government withdraws its signatures from the agreement on the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities and the border demarcation agreement with Montenegro. “The opposition is confident that these two agreements are highly detrimental to Kosovo and should not be implemented,” he said.

Veseli: Dialogue between government and opposition, key for moving forward (Telegrafi)

The President of the Kosovo Assembly, Kadri Veseli, met today with the European Parliament Vice President and Rapporteur for Kosovo, Ulrike Lunacek, to discuss current developments in Kosovo and the region, dialogue and Kosovo’s challenges in the path toward European integration. Veseli said: “We are at a point where dialogue and understanding between the government and the opposition is key for moving forward with our European integration agenda.

Progress Report commends Kosovo on SAA, criticizes opposition’s actions (media)

All media sites report on the European Commission’s 2015 Progress Report on Kosovo. The Report notes as successful steps the signing of the Stabilization/Association Agreement between Kosovo and the European Union, the constitutional amendments for the formation of the Special Court and the agreements reached with Serbia in Brussels. The report also criticizes the actions of the opposition in the Assembly, suggesting that a solution must be found in order to unblock the work of the Assembly.

Kadri Veseli addresses opposition through a public letter (RTKlive)

The President of the Assembly of Kosovo, Kadri Veseli, has addressed opposition deputies of the Assembly of Kosovo through a public letter:

“Honorable deputies of the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo from  Vetevendosje Movement, Alliance for the Future of Kosovo and the Initiative for Kosovo,

From crisis to crisis (Kosova Sot)

The paper in a front-page editorial today writes that warnings of the opposition parties that they will block the Assembly session where the MPs are expected to review and approve the budget bill for 2016, is a signal for a new crisis, this time - financial crisis. "Blocking the Assembly due to the harmful agreements reached with Serbia will have serious political consequences, adding further tensions to government-opposition relations.

Vetevendosje’s message for Hahn: Unjust agreements shall not pass (Koha)

Vetevendosje MPs displayed two banners during today’s session of the Kosovo Assembly when the European Union Commissioner for Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Commissioner was delivering his speech. One of the banners asked “Is ethnic segregation an EU value?” in reference to the formation of the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities. Another banner said “Unjust agreements shall not pass” referring to Vetevendosje’s determination to stop what they consider damaging agreements for Kosovo and its people.

Kadaj-Bujupi: We will continue to object the agreements (Gazeta Express)

Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) Donika-Kadaj Bujupi said after today’s session of the Kosovo Assembly that opposition parties will continue their actions “until the withdrawal of signatures from the agreements that are damaging for Kosovo”. “We will use all means to object these agreements,” she said.

Osmani accuses Zbogar for violating Kosovo Constitution (Koha)

Naser Osmani, head of the Kosovo Assembly's committee on budget and finances, during a meeting held today on the law for public procurement, claimed that Samuel Zbogar, head of the European Union Office in Kosovo, was violating the Constitution of Kosovo. According to Osmani, Zbogar is discriminating local companies by favoring foreign companies, “because it is the sixth time that Zbogar’s office has sent back the law claiming that it does not comply with the requirements of the European Union”.

Zbogar: Not necessary to address Venice Commission in regards to Association (Lajmi)

The EU Special Representative in Kosovo, Samuel Zbogar, speaking at the parliamentary committee for European integration today said that it was not necessary to address the Venice Commission in regards to the Association/Community of Serb majority municipalities. According to him, the opinion of the Constitutional Court should be respected. He stressed that there is always room and need for dialogue and that he agrees that there is a possibility for a better communication by the government in the Assembly and with the opposition parties.