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Brovina clarifies: I will not call a session without agreement (Gazeta Blic)

Kosovo’s oldest MP and chairperson of the Assembly’s constitutive session, Flora Brovina, said she will not call another session without a prior agreement between political parties. “There is no sense in calling a session because without an agreement, neither the Assembly speaker nor the deputy speakers can be elected” said Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) MP. Asked how long she will maintain this stance, Brovina said that according to the Constitutional Court’s decision, there is no set timeline for electing Assembly speaker and presidency.

Serbian List to form a Bloc of 20 MPs alongside minority communities MPs (Gazeta Blic)

Serbian List has acted as an independent political entity in deciding to cooperate only with non-Albanian parties and wants to establish a coalition bloc with them, said head of the List, Aleksandar Jablanovic. "This bloc will consist of twenty MPs that will make an important political force and will represent interests of minorities which are, in some areas, different to those of the majority Albanian population", Jablanovic was quoted by Serbian news agency Beta.

6+ against new parliamentary elections (Telegrafi)

Leader of the 6+ parliamentary group that gathers non-Serb minority communities, Mahir Yagcilar, said that they consider early elections not to be the right solution to the current political stalemate. Yagcilar said that everyone should make compromises so that new institutions of Kosovo can be established without further delay. “It is not an issue of whose side we are on, we simply want institutions to be formed. If the session is called after the Constitutional Court’s decision, we will take part in it, regardless of who calls it”, he said after the meeting of his group.


We need a solution, elections were good (Kosova Sot)

In a front-page editorial, the paper writes that after the failure of the Assembly to elect a new speaker and unsuccessful meetings President Atifete Jahjaga had with political leaders, new elections are being mentioned as the only alternative for unblocking the current deadlocked situation. The paper recalls that Kosovo had successful elections in June but because of the refusal of four opposition parties, the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), as winner of elections, cannot secure the majority needed to form new institutions.

Reasons why the Bloc is not giving up the speaker’s post (Gazeta Blic)

Coalition between the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Alliance for Future of Kosovo (AAK), Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) and Vetevendosje – LVAN - are ready to give up the post of Assembly speaker to the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) but they fear that once the PDK takes it, it will not allow President Atifete Jahjaga to nominate the Bloc’s candidate for prime minister, an unnamed official from the Bloc said.

It was all a farce (Gazeta Express)

Imer Mushkolaj in an opinion piece claims that statements by the leaders of the post-election coalition that if the chairperson of Assembly’s constitutive session, Flora Brovina, doesn't call a session, they will elect the speaker on their own and then actually fail to do so, are nothing but “demagogical farce”. “We don’t need a farce in the light of another farce”, declares Mushkolaj.

Bloc reads a joint statement at the Kosovo Assembly session (Gazeta Blic)

Following speeches from Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Vetevendosje, Alliance for Future of Kosovo (AAK) and Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) MPs, Vjosa Osmani from LDK read out the bloc’s joint statement asking Flora Brovina to as soon as possible call a session so that the political stalemate is resolved and new institutions are formed. In the statement, the bloc’s MPs expressed their concern with the current political situation which, according to them, is created by the parliamentary minority led by the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK).

Thaci: There was no Assembly session but an illegal meeting (Kosovapress)

Leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), Hashim Thaci said after the meeting with the party presidency that they discussed modalities for creation of new Kosovo institutions. Thaci said that today’s Assembly session was illegal and unofficial. He said the bloc used the premises of the Kosovo Assembly by exceeding authorizations. Thaci said all leaders should sit down together and reach an agreement on forming Kosovo institutions in accordance to the constitution, laws and the result of 8 June elections.

The game of helplessness (Koha Ditore)

KTV’s editor-in-chief Adriatik Kelmendi remarks in a column for the paper that today is exactly four months since parliamentary elections took place and four months since political parties for which the citizens voted continue to keep Kosovo suspended. Everything has now beginning to resemble a cynical farce which is not only insulting for the Kosovo voter but is dangerous for Kosovo itself, considers Kelmendi.