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Serbs still choose vice president (KiM radio)

At the inaugural session of the Assembly on 17 July, the first man of Parliament, and five vice-presidents will be appointed, one of whom must be a Serb.

Who will be suggested by the Serbian list is not yet decided, and for the selection of their candidate will be required a simple majority, or 61 votes, which includes significant support from the Albanian deputies.

As a representative of the Serbian List in parliament Sasa Milosavljevic said that he sees no reason for Albanians to not accept a candidate of the Serbian List.

Who will lead the Government and Assembly, according to Krasniqi? (RTK)

Acting Assembly Speaker, Jakup Krasniqi, explained who has the right to take on the post of Assembly Speaker and Prime Minister. In a Facebook post, Krasniqi said that both posts belong to the bloc that has the majority to govern Kosovo.

He said democracy implies governance by the majority and in the case of Kosovo, a parliamentary majority. This requires at least 61 votes in the Assembly and whoever manages to secure this number will be able to elect the Assembly Speaker and Prime Minister.

Five members of the main board left the Independent Liberal party (Kontakt Plus radio)

Members of the General Board of the Independent Liberal Party (SLS) Bratislav Nikolic, Dalibor Jevtic, Sasa Milosavljevic, Jelena Bontic, Jasmina Zivkovic and full membership of the municipal board of SLS in Strpce/Shterpce left the party. In a statement they said they have resigned from all positions and membership in the SLS and that their act is the consequence of dissatisfaction with the situation in the party and the inability to influence on it.

Scenario for electing Isa Mustafa to Assembly Speaker’s post (Gazeta Blic)

Leader of Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Isa Mustafa, will not face a serious problem in his election as the new Speaker of Kosovo Assembly.

Although the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) insists that a parliamentary group cannot be formed without the new Assembly being established, this will not prove to be a problem for Mustafa’s election.

Defending the Serbs with translation (Vecernje Novosti)

The only Serbian representative in the future Kosovo Assembly, who speaks Albanian language, is Nenad Rasic, the leader of Progressive Democratic Party (PDS). On the other side none of nine MPs from the Serbian List speak Albanian language. Since Serbian is an official language, when Albanian MPs will address the Assembly, Serbian MPs will have to listen simultaneous translation. Official documents should be delivered to them in their native language. 

Belgrade insider in Pristina (Danas)

Belgrade, Pristina - Serb decision to participate in the central government in Kosovo is a constructive move, given that due to the "encouragement" and "blessing" they’ve got from Belgrade will be able to strongly represent their interests, assessed for Danas political experts.

In their view, such an arrangement of representatives of Serbs from Kosovo and Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic allows Belgrade to influence decision-making processes in Pristina, or to become an "insider".

The Socialists’ Movement members the first (Vecernje Novosti)

The largest number of votes in the elections for the parliament of Kosovo received lesser known Serbian candidates. The Socialists' Movement members from Leposavic/Leposaviq left behind and some representatives of the Albanians.

Despite resistance from the northern Kosovo Serbs to vote in parliamentary elections in Kosovo on June 8, the most votes in the Serbian List, supported by Belgrade, won the candidates from the north who mostly are unknown to the general public.

The mandates are still in the mist (Vecernje Novosti)

Who will be the Serbian MP in the Kosovo parliament will be clear soon, because it is expected that Central Election Commission (CEC) completes counting the votes of displaced persons and conditional votes. 

Regardless of the number of mandates for the Serbian List, they will not be assigned according to the coalition agreement. The voters, beside the vote for the List, had to vote for one up to five candidates. Consequently, MPs will be those who won the most votes.