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USA admonishes Pristina (Novosti)

The confusing political situation in Kosovo should be finally clarified this week, Novosti daily reported today.

According to the daily, it would be clear whether Pristina will get a new government or new elections are underway. It all depends upon the meeting of the leading political parties, scheduled for the coming Wednesday, following the two failed constitutive attempts, more respectively election of the Assembly Speaker, vice presidents and working bodies.

LDK against PAN’s proposal for package vote (Telegrafi)

Head of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) parliamentary group, Avdullah Hoti, opposed PAN’s proposal to vote for Assembly speaker and prime minister under one package. Hoti said such a proposal “didn’t make sense” and that it is yet another attempt by PAN to buy time.  Hoxhaj said that PAN could withdraw candidacy of Kadri Veseli for the post of Assembly speaker if the new candidate is voted alongside Ramush Haradinaj as prime minister of Kosovo.


PDK hails decision for consultative meeting (Telegrafi)

Deputy leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), Enver Hoxhaj, hailed the decision of the Kosovo Assembly session’s chairman Adem Mikullovci to call a meeting of parliamentary groups on Wednesday. Hoxhaj said he is glad the chairman has realized that in a parliamentary democracy there should be coordination with political parties.

Konjufca: Vetevendosje not to attend Wednesday meeting (Koha)

Vetevendosje’s Glauk Konjufca told the media that they would not take part in the consultative meeting of parliamentary parties scheduled for Wednesday. He said the meeting has been called by the chairman of the Assembly session, Vetevendosje’s Adem Mikullovci, but that Vetevendosje considers this is just part of PAN’s delaying tactics. “They wish to impose absurd ideas”, Konjufca said of PAN coalition.

Hoti: PAN does not have enough votes (Telegrafi/Koha)

LAA coalition’s candidate for prime minister, Avdullah Hoti, said after the closing of today’s constitutive session of the Assembly that it is clear PAN coalition has not secured enough votes to form new institutions. “We should have had a new Assembly and Government three weeks ago”, Hoti said adding that Kosovo cannot afford to lose any more time.

PDK’s Hoxhaj: We have a new situation (Telegrafi)

Following the decision of the chairman of the Kosovo Assembly’s constitutive session to end it, deputy leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), Enver Hoxhaj, spoke to the media about PAN’s request to go on a break before announcing candidate for Assembly speaker. Hoxhaj said: “Our request, as the entity that won these elections, was to have a two-hour break for consultations with our partners in proposing the candidate for Assembly speaker. The chairman closed the session and we now have a new situation.

Kosovo Assembly constitutive session to resume at 3 (media)

Kosovo Assembly’s constitutive session ended this morning without election of the Speaker. Once the MPs were sworn in, representatives of PAN coalition that was supposed to nominate a candidate for the post of Assembly Speaker asked for a two-hour adjournment citing need for “further consultations”.   Chairman of the session, Adem Mikullovci from Vetevendosje, put the motion to a vote which resulted in a tied result and, as per the Constitution of Kosovo, considered rejected.

First-time deputies (Kosovo 2.0)

Meet some of the novices entering Kosovo’s Assembly.

Singers, lawyers, teachers, actors, journalists, economists, doctors, municipal mayors and even professional politicians, those who have never held another professional role, are amongst Kosovo’s 120 newly elected Assembly members.

Having a broad-base of professional experiences, as well as backgrounds and ages, is often seen as the democratic ideal; the representatives of the people, should be just that, representative.