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Topalli admits to throwing teargas in the Assembly hall (

Vetevendosje Movement MP Faton Topalli admitted today that it was his duty today to throw the teargas in the Assembly. “I threw two cans with teargas and if this situation continues, there might be more,” Topalli said, adding that he is not afraid to face the prosecution on this matter. “The betrayal of the country is the most serious criminal offense. We said that we will not allow this way of governance. It is specified in the Constitution that international agreements must be ratified in the Assembly,” Topalli said.

Kosovo government revokes funding for March riot damage repair (

Government of Kosovo in its routine meeting today cancelled a previous decision to allocate funds for the repair of damages caused during March 2004 riots. The government had initially planned to give €97,000 for the purpose. In addition, the government also revoked the decision to provide assistance funds to the municipality of Shterpce/Strpce. Mustafa said the new decisions will apply until a final court verdict.

Russell: Corruption has a high price (

The UN Coordinator for Development and permanent representative of UNDP in Kosovo, Andrew Russell, spoke about corruption saying that this phenomenon is not for granted but it has to be paid for it every day.

Russell made these statements during a conference for presentation of the Targets for Sustainable Development which were officially endorsed by the UN General Assembly on 25 September.

EU is not aware of vehicle insurance agreement’s suspension (

Maja Kocijancic, spokesperson to the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, said that the EU is not aware about the suspension of the agreement on vehicle insurance. She said the signatory parties have agreed to resolve all issues through an implementation committee and “this is the forum where issues relating to vehicle insurance should be sent to.”

Maternal and infant mortality rates decline in Kosovo (Kallxo)

The number of perinatal deaths has decreased in Kosovo and no cases of maternal deaths were recorded during 2014 according to a report presented by the Ministry of Health. The report states that the perinatal death rate in 2014 was 11 percent in contrast to 2000 when it reached 29 percent. Health Minister Imet Rrahmani welcomed the results but said that they have still to establish how many infants are delivered outside Kosovo health institutions and how high are mortalities that occur outside the Kosovo territory.

Opposition vows to halt establishment of special court (

The opposition parties said they were prepared to use "all the necessary means" to stop the vote on the establishment of special court, which is expected to address war crimes allegations. They say that they are against the special court, because they believe that the former Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) fighters were heroic saviors who should not be prosecuted, and vowed on Monday to try to block a vote expected in Parliament.

EU: Voting on special court should not be delayed (

The European Union officials called on Kosovo authorities not to delay the debate and vote in the Assembly for the establishment of the special court. The European Union Spokesperson for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Maja Kocijancic, told the news site that Kosovo institutions have to set the date for the Assembly session that would address the special court. "It is prerogative of the authorities of Kosovo to appoint the Assembly session and to establish the special court.

“Big Deal” report on Pristina-Belgrade agreements to be published today (

Only four out of 16 agreements reached between Pristina and Belgrade in Brussels have been fully implemented, says a report coauthored by BIRN Kosovo, the Center for Research, Transparency and Accountability (CRTA) from Serbia, and Internews Kosova. The report, which will be published later today, calls on the two sides and on the European Union to set priorities of the normalization of relations process as most of the agreements reached so far have not been implemented.