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Is Kosovo turning into a second Bosnia? (Indeksonline)

Vetevendosje MP, Ilir Deda, considers that Kosovo will not remain at the same level this year in its European integration process. According to Deda, Kosovo has no government committed in implementing EU priorities in the fight against organized crime and corruption. “Kosovo still has problems regarding contractual relations with the EU because of Kosovo’s non-recognition as a country by the EU which is evident in the SAA (Stabilisation and Association Agreement) draft agreement”, said Deda. This, he added, prevents Kosovo from participating in EU programmes.

Kosovo-Serbia talks to resume in February (European Voice)

The implementation of past agreements remains a major issue ahead of a new phase in EU-brokered talks. Federica Mogherini, the European Union’s foreign-policy chief, has called for a resumption of talks to normalise relations between Kosovo and Serbia on 9 February, following a six-month hiatus caused by the protracted formation of a Kosovar government.
Though bilateral in nature, the talks have enabled both countries to drive ahead towards membership of the EU, despite Serbia’s continued refusal to recognise Kosovo as a state.

Germany doesn’t grant asylum to Kosovo migrants (KosovaPress)

The German Ambassador to Kosovo, Angleika Viets, said on Thursday that Kosovo people who are migrating abroad will not receive asylum in Germany, because according to her,  economic situation is not a reason to get asylum. Viets said that Germany will refuse asylum applications, even though the number of applicants has increased.  Viets also added that Serbia and any other country that claims to enter the European Union has to normalize their neighborly relations.

PM: Serbia won't be "poor man of EU" (B92)

Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic told the TV Pink broadcaster on Wednesday Serbia's membership in the EU was a strategic objective.


"The strategic goal is to become a member of the EU and in this field we do everything we can to make Serbia a well-ordered country, which when it becomes a member will not be even close to the poorest countries," said Vucic.

The government is risking Serbia's entry into the European Union (Danas)

Serbian President, aware of the content of the Brussels Agreement, is trying to distance himself from the Government, and approach the voters who have been betrayed with the empty stories of entry in the EU and cooperation with the West. The government will again ignore Nikolic’s proposal, as last time, and he will say that at least he offered something. 

Government informs EU on Serbia’s illegal interventions in Kosovo (Koha)

The government of Kosovo sent an official note to the European Union on Monday about Serbia’s continuous illegal interventions in Kosovo and the violation of the Brussels Agreement with the decision to extend parallel structures in the municipality of Shterpce/Strpce. Kosovo’s Minister without portfolio, Edita Tahiri, sent a letter to EU official Fernando Gentilini, calling on the EU to take all measures to prevent Serbia from interfering through its parallel structures in Kosovo.

Kosovo: EU justice efforts shadowed by controversy (Turkish Weekly)

Kosovo agreed to support a new European-backed special court to try top war crimes suspects despite dissent from ex-guerrillas, while the EU rule-of-law mission was hit by corruption claims.

Under pressure from the European Union, Kosovo MPs voted in April 2014 to ratify a deal with Brussels to set up a new special court that will be located outside the country in order to prosecute serious crimes committed during and after the 1998-99 war with Serbian forces.

Miscevic: Dialogue continuation brings opening of Chapter 35 (Blic, Tanjug)

Tanja Miscevic, head of Serbia's negotiating team with the EU, said  that she expects that Chapter 35 on Kosovo will be opened shortly after the continuation of the dialogue on the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina.

After one or two rounds of the dialogue on normalization of the relations with Pristina, which will be held at the highest political level, I expect that Chapter 35 on Kosovo will be opened, and this will include monitoring of everything that was agreed in Brussels, Miscevic said for Belgrade TV Pink.