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All recommendations from the report are useful for Serbia (RTS)

Head of the Office for Kosovo & Metohija, Marko Djuric, told RTS that all recommendations from the European Commission's report are beneficial for Serbia. Djuric emphasizes that we can certainly expect change of the Constitution, not just because of the relationship with Pristina, but also because of European integrations.

EU expects full implementation of Brussels agreement (Tanjug, Politika, RTS)

BELGRADE - Head of the EU Delegation to Serbia Michael Davenport said on Wednesday the EU expected full implementation of the Brussels agreement in the next year and a new momentum to the political talks between Belgrade and Pristina to come as soon as possible in order to achieve further progress in the normalisation of their relations.

Significant effort has been invested to achieve the goal defined by the European Council as comperhensive normalisation, he told a news conference after the European Commission had presented its report on Serbia's progress.

Serbia could reconcile EU and Russia (Danas, B92)

 Serbia's OSCE chairmanship next year will be "a great opportunity to take on a role and mediate in negotiations in order to smooth EU-Russia relations."

 "Serbia must use the opportunity so that an easy solution is found, so that NATO would not have to become involved in it," the Belgrade-based daily Danas is quoting Dušan Siđanski, a special adviser to the president of the European Commission, who was in Serbia for the Belgrade Security Forum.

First chapter to open before end of 2014 (B92,Tanjug,Blic)

Jadranka Joksimovic expressed the belief on Thursday that Serbia will open the first negotiating chapter by the end of the year.

Serbian Minister without portfolio in charge of European Integration, Jadranka Joksimovic, expressed the belief on Thursday that Serbia will open the first negotiating chapter by the end of the year, noting that this step would serve as an additional encouragement to Serbia's efforts by the European Commission.

Fuele: First two chapters may open by end of year (Tanjug, RTS, IRS)

NEW YORK - EU Enlargement Commissioner Stefan Fuele believes that there is a chance for Brussels and Belgrade to cross an important threshold before the year ends and to open the first two of 35 policy chapters which Serbia must address to join the EU.

“I think we still believe that would be possible before the end of this year,” Fuele said in an interview for Wall Street Journal.

Nevertheless, he warned that progress depends on the member states as well as Belgrade, since EU capitals must okay the move.

Zbogar: We can only give recommendations to break political deadlock (Kosovapress)

Samuel Zbogar, head of the European Union's Office in Kosovo, said today that the international community would not interfere to break the political deadlock in Kosovo, but that it could give recommendations to overcome the situation as soon as possible. "We will have to wait and see what will happen in the next couple of days. This is a democratic process and in line with the decision of the Constitutional Court. There is no institutional crisis," he said. Zbogar also said elections are the last option and that Kosovo's leaders need to find a solution without organizing new elections.

Janjic: Brussels dialogue is not interrupted (KiM radio)

The Serbian list decided not to enter the Kosovo government if Self-determination movement is part of it. President of the Forum for Ethnic Relations, Dusan Janjic said that it is imposed decision. "Let us remember that the Serbian list already made a big mistake a month ago. Then, the Serbian list voted for the selection of Isa Mustafa, whose party then had Self-determination as a partner," said Janjic.

Deputy Prime Minister Tahiri travels to Brussels (RTK)

Kosovo’s Deputy Prime Minister and chief negotiator Edita Tahiri travelled to Brussels today where she will attend meetings focused on the implementation of the agreement for collecting customs income at Kosovo’s two northern border crossing points. Tahiri will meet European Union representatives to discuss energy and telecom issues which have entered the phase of approval of action plans, paving way to the implementation of agreements in these areas.