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US administration "denied Thaci's and Haradinaj's claims" (Tanjug)

Pristina's claim that possible future US involvement in dialogue with Belgrade is a proposal coming from the official US administration is "incorrect," Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic, who in Washington, told Voice of America, Tanjug reports today.

"The things that Thaci and Haradinaj are saying have been denied by the US administration. They even told (EU foreign policy chief) Federica Mogherini that they were not standing behind (Pristina's) statements," Dacic said.

Recommendations to EP: Full normalization does not mean recognition of Kosovo (Politika, BETA, KIM Radio)

The European Union has to clarify to the Serbian public that a request for “full normalization of relations” with Pristina, on Serbia’s path to the EU “is not necessarily recognition of Kosovo,” although it might happen at a certain moment in the future, analysis of the European Parliament General Directorate for Foreign Affairs said, Serbian media reported.

Minister on "reconciling with US" and new Kosovo mediators (B92)

Jadranka Joksimovic says that "inviting global powers" to join the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue represents "a reflection of provincialism."

"I'm sorry to hear that the Atlantic Council thinks the US and Serbia have had such bad relations until now, that a historic reconciliation needs to occur," the Serbian minister for EU Integration also said on Wednesday, adding:

Serbian Government: "Stabilization of Western Balkans crucial for economy" (B92)

First Deputy PM and FM Ivica Dacic said in Washington that stabilization of the Western Balkans is crucial for the development of the region's economy.

Dacic spoke on Wednesday at a panel dedicated to business and investment in the Western Balkans during the conference of the Atlantic Council.

Serbian media: Maybe Condoleezza, and possibly Lavrov; EU: Belgrade and Pristina decide on the format

The Belgrade based daily Blic, in yesterday's edition, reported that if the US introduced Condoleezza Rice in the dialogue between Pristina and Belgrade, Serbia would be then suggesting Russia to enter the scene, along with Sergei Lavrov, the Russian head of diplomacy.

A source of Blic from the top of the government said that there were small chances that there would be a change in the format of the dialogue, but that Serbia will definitely not sit still.

EP Rapporteur: I hope Kosovo will make the big step on visas (Express)

International officials continue to make it clear that without ratification of the demarcation with Montenegro, Kosovo will not become part of the countries that enjoy free movement. Igor Soltes, new Rapporteur for Kosovo, says the “ball” is already on the hands of Kosovo.

“I hope that Kosovo could leave aside its internal political differences and decide in favor of the entire nation by resolving the matter of demarcation of the border which would have been a major step towards visa liberalization,” Soltes said.

Dacic on change of negotiation's format, Pristina's UN ambition (Tanjug, TV Prva, B92, RTS)

Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic says he does not believe that a change to the format of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue is possible.

Speaking for Prva TV late on Monday, Dacic also said that he had no information that former US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice could become her country's special envoy for the Balkans.

"I saw Condoleezza about 20 days ago in the UAE. I also met with John Kerry. They have been freed, so to speak, of their political obligations. She didn't tell me that she had such ambitions, and we spoke about it publicly," Dacic stressed.

Vejvoda: Exchange of territories could be realistic solution for Kosovo (Novi Magazin, Kontakt plus radio)

European Project Director at Vienna Institute for Human Sciences, Ivan Vejvoda, said that exchange of territories, Presevo valley for the north of Kosovo, could be a realistic solution if Belgrade and Pristinta would agree to that, and get support from the international community, UN, EU, USA, Russia and other permanent UN SC members, Novi Magazin reported.

Vejvoda, said that this idea now comes from Kosovo, and it was one of the three or four scenarios proposed by the assassinated Serbian Prime Minister, Zoran Djindjic.

Šoltes: No visa liberalization without ratification of border demarcation (European Western Balkans)

Interview with Igor Šoltes, member of the European Parliament (Slovenia, Greens/EFA) and the newly appointed European Parliament rapporteur on Kosovo was published on the European Western Balkans portal today.

European Western Balkans: You have recently been appointed as the European Parliament standing rapporteur on Kosovo. What do you see as the most important current obstacles on Kosovo’s EU path?