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Moro: Opening of Chapter 35 is an important thing for Serbia (Blic)

French Ambassador to Belgrade Christine Moro said that the evaluation of EU member states on achieved results was crucial for the opening of Chapter 35. “Progress achieved in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina led to the opening of Chapter 35. However, there is still a lot of work because the agreements reached in Brussels are not completely implemented on the ground. It is therefore too early to say when this chapter will be closed and how long it will last,” said Moro.


Jevtic: Opening of chapters, important news for the Kosovo Serbs (Blic, RTS)

Minister for Communities and Returns in the Kosovo government Dalibor Jevtic said tonight that the opening of the first chapters of the EU with Serbia were extremely important news for the Serbs in Kosovo.

- For those of us who live in Kosovo, opening of chapters is important, but also that everything agreed in Brussels will be implemented - he said in a statement to RTS.

EU publishes "common position" document on chapter 35 (B92)

The EU has published its common position on chapter 35 relating to Kosovo, which was opened late on Monday.

The text stresses that "this first set of interim benchmarks will be updated" and that "if progress in the normalization of relations with Kosovo significantly lags behind progress in the negotiations overall" the opening of other chapters could be frozen.

Our unbearable patience towards Serbia (Koha Ditore)

Lumir Abdixhiku is surprised that no one from the European Union or form Kosovo leadership reacted nor did they send a note to Serbia, when senior state officials such as Serbia’s Minister of Justice, Serbian army’s chief general, Minister of Defense and Orthodox Church representative waited on Vladimir Lazarevic, with state ceremony and treated him as national hero despite the fact that he was sentenced with ten years of prison for the war crimes in Kosovo,. “Reaction? None.

Djurić: Do not mix Chapter 35 with the dialogue with Pristina (B92, NMagazin, RTK2)

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric says that the fact that Serbia will open first Chapter 35, about Kosovo, does not mean that the EU accession process and the dialogue with Pristina should be mixed.

Djuric told B92 that the false belief that the talks with Pristina are important for Belgrade just because of EU accession, stating that they are important because of internal stability and the status of citizens in Kosovo.