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Albania in war – Albanians in war? (Koha Ditore)

Columnist of this daily, Halil Matoshi, says that based on the Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty the statement of the French President, François Hollande that the barbarity of the “Islamic State” in Paris is “an act of war” requires a collective reaction. This means, he notes, that from the black Friday in Paris, Albania is also in war. NATO could undertake massive infantry attack against the “Islamic State” and it is believed that its end has already started.

Mustafa seeks EU support for visa liberalization (Telegrafi)

In a visit to Brussels, Prime Minister of Kosovo Isa Mustafa accompanied by Foreign Minister Hashim Thaci and European Integration Minister Bekim Collaku met President of European Parliament Martin Schulz and expressed appreciation of the government and the people of Kosovo for special support EP has provided to Kosovo. PM Mustafa stressed the importance of the signing of Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) and the hope that the European Parliament would soon ratify the agreement.

German Embassy: No additional conditions for Chapter 35 (Politika)

Claims that European Union or Germany are allegedly requesting from Serbia to recognize Kosovo are completely unfounded replied German Embassy in Belgrade on question whether it is truth that Germany would withdraw disputed amendment of the Chapter 35. Embassy communicated that Germany advocates for chapters 35 and 32 to be the first ones to be opened, by the end of this year, in Serbia’s accession negotiations with the EU, and that Germany firmly believes that this will be the case. Politika was also told that Germany didn’t set any new conditions.

Berlin withdraw disputed amendment? (Vecernje Novosti)

The crises of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, related to the recent decision of Kosovo authorities to suspend formation of the ZSO, will not influence opening of the negotiation chapters with the EU. According to some information, official Belgrade still leads a diplomatic action to change the text of the unacceptable draft negotiating plan for Chapter 35, which could be opened already in December.

 Zbogar: UNESCO decision should not repel Kosovo  (Klan Kosova, RTKlive)

Head of the European Office in Kosovo, Samuel Zbogar, considers that the decision of the UNESCO member states not to vote in favor of Kosovo’s membership at this organization should not stop the determination of Kosovo’s institutions toward progress. “There was a major support for Kosovo in UNESCO. Many countries supported Kosovo’ membership at this organization. Majority of the required numbers was not reached however Kosovo should continue to be determined on its way,” Zbogar said.

Hahn: Our goal is to have all Western Balkans countries join the EU (Koha)

The EU Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations, Johannes Hahn, said in a press conference delivered through video link that the goal of the European Union is to have all Western Balkans countries join in but added that the accession pace will depend entirely on the countries themselves.

Davenport receives delegation of families of kidnapped and missing (Tanjug, TV Most)

The head of the EU Delegation to Serbia Michael Davenport received a delegation of the Association of families of kidnapped and missing persons in Kosovo and Metohija, headed by the chairperson of the Association, Simo Spasić. Association introduced Davenport with problems with regard to kidnapped, missing and murdered persons in period 1998-2000 and in 2004 in Kosovo and Meothija, and presented data on numbers of victims and information on their abductions and murder.


A failure worthy to be forgotten (Koha Ditore)

Adriatik Kelmendi considers that the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) and the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA), should immediately start working on regaining trust, after failing to vote ratification of the Stabilization Association Agreement. He says that it is regrettable that these two parties and Vetevendosje Movement ruined the 25 year old Albanian consensus on this matter. “Was the SAA with Kosovo the best? No! Could it be negotiated better? Perhaps! Should it be approved? Absolutely, definitively YES,” writes Kelmendi.