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 Dialogue at a crossroad (Kosova Sot)

The paper says in its front-page editorial that political calculations of Kosovo parties may very well put the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia in a dead-end. The opposition parties have received assurances from Vetevendosje that it will support the forming of their government but it has certain conditions regarding the dialogue with Belgrade. However, the paper writes that in order to secure necessary numbers at the Assembly, Kosovo politicians have no problems in accepting difficult conditions.

Vetevendosje: No talking to Belgrade without conditions (Lajm)

Vetevendosje has answered an advisor of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who yesterday visited Kosovo and requested the continuation of the dialogue with Serbia. According to Glauk Konjufca from Vetevendosje, the format of the talks is unequal and only focuses on internal issues in Kosovo. Vetevendosje is not against the dialogue in principle, but the dialogue with Serbia should have certain conditions. For example, Serbia cannot be talked to if its constitution says Kosovo is a part of Serbia, and if Serbia does not recognize Kosovo.

Djuric: Pristina moves have detrimental effects to dialogue (Tanjug)

BRUSSELS- Director of the Serbian government Office for Kosovo-Metohija (KiM) Marko Djuric stated in Brussels on Monday that Belgrade will continue protecting the rights of Serbs in KiM despite the moves of the Pristina government.

"The Serbian government will persevere in the protection of interests of our people in KiM and we made this very clear in the talks with our colleagues in Brussels," Djuric told reporters after the talks with associates of High EU Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Catherine Ashton.

Citaku and Rexhepi take part in the visa liberalisation dialogue (Telegrafi)

The fourth high-level meeting in the framework of visa liberalization dialogue between Kosovo and European Commission took place in Pristina today.

Kosovo delegation was led by Minister of European Integrations, Vlora Citaku, and Interior Minister, Bajram Rexhepi, while European Commission was represented by general director of internal affairs, Matthias Ruete, head of EU office in Pristina, Samuel Zbogar, director of the general directorate for enlargement, Jean Eric Paquet.

Dialogue should resume in September (Tribuna)

The candidate for prime minister of Kosovo from the opposition bloc, Ramush Haradinaj, yesterday met international diplomats accredited in Pristina and discussed with them the recent political developments. The paper says that Haradinaj also spoke about the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue and gave assurances that he would be constructive. Earlier in the day, outgoing Prime Minister Hashim Thaci also spoke about the dialogue in a telephone conversation with EU High Representative Catherine Ashton where he is reported to have expressed readiness to resume talks with Serbia.

Mustafa: Belgrade negotiates with Pristina because it needs EU (Bota Sot)

The leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Isa Mustafa said for the Austrian daily, Die Presse, that the entire world knows that Serbia committed genocide against the Albanian population in Kosovo during 1990 to 1999, massacring over 12,000 civilians, and expelling about one million Albanians. He noted that 1,800 still remain missing. The leader of the opposition was suspicious of the new Government of Serbia’s readiness to find a solution in its negotiations with Kosovo. “We were the first opposition party to support this issue.

Serbia violates agreement, funds education system (Koha Ditore)

The Government of Serbia has allocated €33,000 to fund pre-elementary schools in ten Serb-inhabited municipalities in Kosovo, despite the international agreement signed by Pristina and Belgrade to dissolve Serb parallel structures in Kosovo. Government officials in Pristina said they had not been informed about this. They said they would complain to Brussels about Belgrade’s action.

Surroi: This government has run out of lies (Koha Ditore)

Publicist Veton Surroi said in an interview for KTV on Wednesday that another governing mandate for the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) would be suicide for Kosovo. “It would break the country’s back and it would prevent further development,” he said. Surroi argued that talks in Brussels were held in order to bring Serbia, and not Kosovo, closer to the European Union. “There can be no Stabilization and Association Agreement for Kosovo if the latter is not recognized by all EU member states.