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Djurić: Do not mix Chapter 35 with the dialogue with Pristina (B92, NMagazin, RTK2)

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric says that the fact that Serbia will open first Chapter 35, about Kosovo, does not mean that the EU accession process and the dialogue with Pristina should be mixed.

Djuric told B92 that the false belief that the talks with Pristina are important for Belgrade just because of EU accession, stating that they are important because of internal stability and the status of citizens in Kosovo.

Governments of member states to decide on Kosovo's entry into UNESCO (NMagazin)

UN Resident Coordinator in Serbia Irena Vojackova-Sollorano said that the decision on Kosovo's entry into UNESCO would be on governments of member states and the UN to create conditions for free dialogue.

"The UN creates a place and a platform for dialogue, and then it is up to the Governments to discuss and decide how they want to continue, of course with respect for the culture," said Vojackova-Sollorano on the Radio Television of Serbia.

Loncar: We will open new departments and services in hospitals in Kosovo (NMagazin)

Serbian Health Minister Zlatibor Loncar said today that the main objective of his ministry was to ensure that the health system in Kosovo functions and expressed satisfaction that in the area of health care, there were no major problems.

Loncar said that there were no major problems with the supply of drugs and procedures and announced that Serbia would open new departments and new services in hospitals in Kosovo.

Djuric sends a letter to the British newspaper Independent (Vesti, NMagazin, Tanjug)

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric has sent a letter to the editor of the British "Independent" regarding the article on Kosovo. Djuric pointed out that more than 200,000 displaced Serbs cannot return to their homes, which is why, when writing about harmony in Kosovo, was hypocritical at least.

Odalovic: Serbia and Albania could be pillar of stability (RTS, NMagazin, Blic)

Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Veljko Odalovic has stated that it was important for Serbia and Albania to devote to the recent events in Kumanovo, FYROM and that these two countries could be a pillar of stability in the region.

Odalovic told the RTS that the visit takes place at a delicate moment, but it would be important that Serbia and Albania deal primarily with the events in Kumanovo.

Jablanovic: I will not hire a lawyer (NMagazin, Politika, TV Most)

Former Minister for Communities and Returns in the Kosovo government and President of the Serbian List, Aleksandar Jablanovic has not decided whether he will appear on May 22 as a defendant in the Municipal Court in Gjakova/Djakovica.

He is accused of instigating national, racial and religious hatred, restlessness and intolerance, on the occasion of stoning of the bus which was carrying displaced Serbs, when he called the Albanians "savages". The penalty for the offense with which he is charged is punishable from one to eight years in prison.