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Association of Kidnapped and Murdered in Kosovo and Metohija (KIM radio)

In the case of the "Drenica 2", the Court of Appeals brought mild punishments for proven crimes against Albanians, but not for the kidnappings and murder of Serbs, said the statement.

As stated, ten miners of the mine Belaćevac were detained in the Lukovac camp.

"Kidnapped Serbs were detained in this camp, and then transported by truck to Albania by order of Thaçi. We have the video tape which shows that our martyrs were alive in the camp," states the Association.

Court sentences Sami Lushtaku to 12 years in prison (Indeksonline/Express)

Indeksonline reports that the Mitrovica Basic Court has sentenced Sami Lushtaku, the Mayor of Skenderaj/Srbica Municipality, to 12 years in prison, and Sylejman Selimi, one of the commanders of the former Kosovo Liberation Army, to six years in prison. Lushtaku and Selimi are part of a group that has been charged with committing war crimes at a detention center in the Drenica region.