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Two detained Serbs go on hunger strike (Tanjug)

BELGRADE - Detainees Milan Kompirovic and Slobodan Sovrlic, both Serbs from Zubin Potok in northern Kosovo-Metohija, have gone on a hunger strike with their only requirement being that they be allowed to tell the truth at the hearing in court, Zvecan-based TV Most reported on Tuesday.

Kompirovic and Sovrlic, who have been in a detention center in Kosovska Mitrovica since May this year, have been hunger striking for five days now, and they have not drank any water since Monday.


Djuric: More than 30 incidents against Serbs in two weeks (Tanjug)

The Director of the Serbian Government’s Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Marko Djuric, said today in Belgrade, at a session of the Serbian Parliament’s Committee for Kosovo and Metohija, that 30 incidents against Serbs and their property have been registered in the last two weeks in Kosovo, but that no one has been held responsible.


Dacic: Serbia respects UN principles and goals (Tanjug)

 The Republic of Serbia attaches special importance to the work of the UN as the most important international organisation in the foundation of which it took part and organisation whose goals it fully respects, Serbian Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic said on the occasion of the celebration of the Day of the UN in Serbia.

The UN has an irreplaceable role as a universal international organisation committed to preservation of peace and stability in the world, and development of human kind as a whole, Dacic said in the welcoming speech.

Drecun: Rama is trying to provoke Serbia (Tanjug)

BELGRADE - Head of the Serbian parliament committee on Kosovo Milovan Drecun said on Thursday Albania's Prime Minister Edi Rama was making extreme statements in an effort to make his visit to Serbia ss and place the blame for it on Serbia's shoulders.

"When Tirana sends messages that Serbia should renounce a part of its territory (Kosovo), then those are not prosperous messages, but detabilising ones," he told reporters in Belgrade.


Another Serb returnee's house in Kosovo set on fire (Tanjug)

ISTOK - A house owned by the Serb returnee family Pantic in the village of Ljug, Klina municipality, was set on fire, the head of the Pec District Vinka Radosavljevic told Tanjug.

The incident occurred last night, said Radosavljevic, adding that the part of the house that caught fire was empty as the Pantic family no longer lives in it.

Only six Serbs have remained in Istok.

This is the second incident of setting fire to Serb-owned houses in Klina and Istok in the last two days.

Putin left Belgrade disappointed, says U.S. senator (B92/Tanjug)


TIRANA -- U.S. senator Chris Murphy says he left the Western Balkans with a clear intention to push for greater American involvement in a critical moment for the region.

Commenting on the visit last week to Serbia of Russian President Vladimir Putin, the senator said that he does not think it harmed relations between Serbia and the United States.


Police operation in north Kosovo, two persons arrested (Tanjug,B92)

 The Kosovo police arrested early on Wednesday two persons in north Kosovo as part of the police operation tasked with prevention of drug trafficking and other crimes.

Zeljko Bojic, regional head of the Kosovo police, told Tanjug that two persons were arrested in the area of the Leposavic municipality following a search at two locations at 05:00 a.m. on Wednesday.

Bojic said that two vehicles, one radio frequency connector and a number of documents were confiscated in the villages of Lesak and Isevo in northern Kosovo.

KiM Committee meeting on security in province on Oct. 27 (Tanjug)

BELGRADE - The Serbian parliament’s Committee on Kosovo-Metohija (KiM) will hold a meeting on the security situation in the southern Serbian province on Monday, October 27, Milovan Drecun, chairman of the body, said Tuesday.

"The meeting will discuss the current security situation in Kosovo-Metohija, with special emphasis on the security of the Serbian population,” Drecun told Tanjug.