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Dacic expects more understanding for Serbian govt's policy (Tanjug)

BELGRADE - Serbia's Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said on Wednesday he expected more understanding from the German parliament in the future, especially the members of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), for the Serbian government's policies regarding the accession talks with the EU and normalisation of the relations with Pristina.

Autopsy, identification of exhumed remains in progress (Tanjug)

BELGRADE - The process of autopsy and identification of the remains exhumed from a gravesite at the Rudnica quarry, southern Serbia, is underway, and a second location at the quarry, also believed to hold human remains, will be searched in the next several weeks, the Serbian government's Commission on Missing Persons stated on Tuesday.

Office for KiM: Serbia committed to international law (Tanjug)

BELGRADE- The Serbian government Office for Kosovo-Metohija (KiM) released on Tuesday, to mark the 15th anniversary of the adoption of Resolution 1244, that Serbia remains committed to the principles of international law and the UN and that it will continue to build the path with the aim of ensuring that the tragic consequences of the war do not remain a burden on the coming generations, whić will be aćieved through a dialogue with interim self-government institutions in KiM and partners in the international community.

Jablanovic: I believe we will have over 5 percent of votes (Tanjug)

Aleksandar Jablanovic, who heads the Srpska electoral list, believes that it will have over five percent of votes won in the Kosovo early elections once the ballots cast by voters in northern Kosovo and internally displaced persons are counted.

The votes cast in northern Kosovo in Sunday's early legislative elections are still being counted, and the votes of displaced persons for the Kosovo assembly have not been processed yet, Jablanovic told reporters in Kosovska Mitrovica on Monday.

Drecun: Albanians aware normalization of relations is vital (RTS, Tanjug)

Chairman of the Serbian parliament’s Committee on Kosovo-Metohija (KiM) Milovan Drecun said Monday that the results of the elections for the Kosovo assembly showed that the Albanians in Kosovo were aware that their future largely depended on normalization of relations with Belgrade.

Drecun told reporters in the Serbian parliament that the very low voter turnout in KiM was proof of enormous discontent of the people with the way the outgoing administration in Pristina had been finding answers to their everyday problems.

Rule of law in Kosovo is EULEX's interest (Tanjug)

Head of EULEX Bernd Borchardt has said that the EU mission in Kosovo, EULEX, "is not a political, but a rule of law mission."

The official added that he can guarantee an impartial approach in EULEX's implementation of that rule of law, adding that EULEX has no interest in taking sides, Tanjug reported.

EULEX's interest is the rule of law and justice for victims, he told Most TV in Zvečan, adding that he was completely convinced that all the people of Kosovo, regardless of ethnicity, wanted a stable system based on the rule of law in which they would feel safe.

Gas blast in thermal power plant in Obilic leaves four dead (Tanjug, RTS, Blic)

PRISTINA - A gas explosion rocked the thermal power plant "Kosovo A" in Obilic, central Kosovo-Metohija (KiM), and left four workers dead and 13 injured on Friday, local media reported citing sources from the police and hospital in Pristina.

The police confirmed that four workers died, and noted that another blast is expected, and that all measures for evacuation were taken.

The university clinic in Pristina confirmed that it admitted 13 injured, and that they are off the critical list. They have been treated mostly for burns, sources from the ambulance said.


Janjic: Serbs should vote in Kosovo elections (Tanjug)

BELGRADE - Dusan Janjic, director of the forum for ethnic relations, has said on Friday that the Serb voter turnout in the early parliamentary elections in Kosovo-Metohija (KiM) will not be high due to a short time frame and a boycott of the campaign in the north of Kosovo.

"I expect that the turnout will be similar to the one in local elections, even down by several thousand voters, but no way it will exceed 45,000, which practically means that Serbs will be present in both the parliament and government," Janjic said in a statement to Tanjug.