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Belgrade for cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce in Pristina (Vesti)

Serbia in the region offers the best conditions for investors. I am proud of the fact that Serbia is today politically and economically stable country despite economic crisis.

This said the Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic, addressing businessmen from Austria and Serbia in the Business Forum Serbia in Vienna 2015. He recalled that Serbia is "pillar of stability in the whole region."

He reiterated that the Serbian government is working on creating a climate conducive to attracting investors, because there is not enough of its own capital to make a positive growth.

Army of Kosovo only with the help of Serbs (Vesti)

Repeating the story on the army of Kosovo and a new draft law on the armed forces, the authorities in Pristina try to make room for political pressure and manoeuvre for negotiation with Belgrade in Brussels. It is necessary to modify the Constitution of Kosovo in order to create the legal basis for the military, which means that Serb representatives in the Kosovo parliament need to vote.

Dveri: Migration from KiM evacuation before a war (Vesti)

Movement Dveri (extra-parliamentarian party in Serbia) assessed that massive migration of Albanian women and children from Kosovo and Metohija for sure doesn’t’ resemble on economic migration, instead it has all elements of an evacuation of civilians from the future war operation zone.

“Migration is carried out fast and in panic, what is never a feature of an economic migration,” assessed Dveri in a statement and added that security structures in Serbia should raise the security level to the highest level.

Pristina is preparing for the Army (Vesti online)

As announced by the Kosovo Foreign Ministry in a meeting with the US Under Secretary of Defence, Evelyn Farkas, this year will be decisive for the transformation of Kosovo Security Forces in the army.

Belgrade pointed out that the formation of the Kosovo Army is contrary to the UN Security Council Resolution 1244 and it will not help improving the security of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, or stability in the region.

Street cannot dismiss me (Vesti)

I have no intention to resign, because I have not violated the law in any moment nor I have offended the citizens by a comment. I've condemned the attack on Serbs on Christmas Eve in Gjakovica/Gjakova, and that's all. Protests and demands of the Self-determination have nothing to do with what I said, told Vesti Aleksandar Jablanovic, the Minister for Communities and Returns in the Kosovo government.

Do you think that they would protest regardless of your statement?

The Pope refused Jahjaga! (Vesti online)

During a private visit to Vatican, Kosovo President Atifete Jahjaga unsuccessfully tried to persuade Pope Francis to recognize the independence of Kosovo. During the meeting, which lasted 40 minutes, Jahjaga informed the Pope that Kosovo is now recognized by 108 countries and expressed hope that he supports "a vision of an independent Kosovo." She particularly emphasized gratitude to Vatican for “the role it had in difficult times for Kosovo”. 

North under the control of Belgrade, not Pristina (Vesti online)

“Serbia does not need to fully meet the international community’s requirements and dismantle parallel structures in Kosovo,” said Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic. “Brussels’ request for Serbia to abolish all parallel institutions in northern Kosovo should not be accepted because that would mean that we are giving up our principles.”

Division of Kosovo, or distancing from Vucic? (Vesti online)

The new proposal for the solution of the southern Serbian Province, announced recently by the Serbian President Nikolic, the opposition parties see as President’s attempt to differently position himself on the domestic political scene. Former negotiator and head of the parliamentary caucus of the Democratic Party, Borko Stefanovic, believes that Nikolic wants to propose division of Kosovo, or to try to distance from Vucic, who is expected to recognize Kosovo.

Kosovo enters the Council of Europe (Vesti online)

Hashim Thaci arrives tomorrow in Strasbourg where in the capacity of Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kosovo he will meet with the Secretary General of the Council of Europe Thorbjorn Jagland, to discuss the admission of Kosovo in this pan-European organization that brings together 47 countries including Serbia.  The meeting was organized at the request of Pristina, and Thaci will arrive at the Council of Europe accompanied by the Consul of Kosovo in Strasbourg, Edon Cana.