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Montenegrin Liberal Party supports Kostic (Kim radio)

Montenegrin Liberal Party supported the candidate of the Citizens’ Initiative Srpska in elections for Mayor of Gracanica. Candidate of CI "Srpska" Vladeta Kostic said that "this decision is deepening cooperation between the brotherly peoples and continues successful cooperation." 

Montenegrin Liberal Party announced that this support is continuation of the cooperation of the Montenegrin Liberal Party and CI "Srpska", which was already shown in the parliamentary elections.

Mirić: Citizens annoyed by nepotism (KiM Radio)

Supporters of the New Party of Kosovo whose president is Dragisa Miric, candidate for mayor of Gracanica, used the first day of the election campaign for the distribution of fliers and calendars and talks with the voters. Miric said for RTV Kim that the citizens of this municipality are mostly annoyed by unemployment. 

"People live from some vouchers and social assistance. Citizens are mostly annoyed by the nepotism, i.e. the fact that in the last fifteen years a membership in the party was the only criteria for the employment. " 

Kostic: Elections for Gracanica to become center of Kosovo Serbs (KIM radio)

Mayoral election rally of the Civic Initiative Srpska (CI Srpska) kicked-off yesterday in village Donja Gusterica in Gracanica municipality, with the tunes of the Serbian anthem. The candidate of CI Srpska for the mayor of Gračanica/Graçanicë, Vladeta Kostic, said that Gračanica/Graçanicë must become the center of Kosovo Serbs.


Return necessary for the survival (KIM radio)

For the survival of Serb community in Kosovo and Metohija it is of utmost importance to encourage people to return, said Abbot of Decani Monastery, father Sava Janjic.

In an interview for the Novi Sad-based daily Dnevnik Janjic said that return doesn’t have to take place in settlements where people used to live before, instead it could take place in Serb-majority settlements.


Jablanovic: Kosovo budget without sufficient funds for communities and return (KiM radio)

 The budget, which was adopted by the Kosovo Assembly without votes of the Serb MPs, does not envisage funds for non-Albanian communities in the province, stated Kosovo Minister for Communities and Return Aleksandar Jablanovic. He added that his Ministry does not have enough money to operate 2015. Without the funds, the Ministry cannot seriously held Serb and other returning communities in Kosovo, Jablanovic pointed. He reminded that there are entire villages of returnees that depend exclusively on social welfare and funds provided by the Ministry for Communities and Return.

Lawyer will request transfer of Gavric to Mitrovica (KiM radio)

Dejan Vasic, lawyer of Slobodan Gavric, announced that he will request a transfer of his client from Pristina to the detention unit in Kosovska Mitrovica. Gavric was arrested ten days ago in Pristina on suspicion of planning a terrorist attack, when in his car was found nearly 13 kilograms of explosives. 

Lawyer Vasić told Tanjug that he visited Gavric in custody in Pristina and that his client was in very poor mental state, primarily because of speculation about him, published in the media.

Stojanovic: They understood the message (Kim Radio)

Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister Branimir Stojanovic says that Pristina authorities and the international community have understood the message when Serbian MPs left the session of the Assembly. Therefore, Stojanović expects that "some things will be changed and that relationship in the future will be a quite different." 

Although the budget for next year has been already passed, Kosovo's deputy prime minister expects that legal options for increasing the money allocation for ministries and municipalities run by Serbs will be found. 

The fear of changing ethnic structure in Strpce/Shterpce (Kim Radio)

Sale of the ski resort in Brezovica is not done according to any privatization model, but according to the model of public-private partnership, which is based on seizure of the Serbian property, says Serbian national forum (SNF).

As stated in the announcement of the SNF, the model for the sale of ski resort in Brezovica involves expropriation or “seizure of Serbian assets and subsequent lease for 99 years. In that way is avoided the whole legal procedure and possible judicial proceedings related to the privatization.”