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Serbian MPs left the session of the Assembly (KiM radio)

Serbian MPs and Ministers in Kosovo Assembly left the session of the parliament, dissatisfied with the rejection of their amendments for the draft budget for 2015.

Parliamentary Committee for the Budget and Finances, after the general discussion on budget, didn’t adopt amendments of the Serbian MPs to increase the budget for returns, Ministry of Local self-governance, four municipalities in the north and municipalities Partes, Pasjane and Klokot in southern Kosovo.

The building of Civil Protection in Mitrovica stoned (KiM radio)

Unidentified persons stoned last night around 19:30 former municipal building of Mitrovica North. In that building are now the workers of Civil Protection. There were no injured persons and damage was reported on one window and two vehicles.

The mayor of the northern Kosovska Mitrovica, Goran Rakic, said that this is not an isolated case, but that the incidents are repeated almost every week. "A month and a half ago, Molotov cocktails were thrown, and one car was set on fire," said Rakic.

ZSO will have executive powers (Kim radio)

The leader of the Serbian List Aleksandar Jablanović announced that Community of Serbian municipalities (ZSO) will be formed in a few months and that it will have executive powers.

Jablanović did not want to give details about the powers of the Community, adding that Community needs to be established as soon as possible. "The formation of the Community is in the interest of all parties. It is a requirement of the international community, and it emerged from the Brussels Agreement, which was signed also by the Albanian politicians," said Jablanović.

Djuric: Support to the defense of Ivanovic (KiM Radio)

Director of the Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Marko Djuric said today that the government would continue to support the team for the defense of Oliver Ivanovic.

"All the public knows in what conditions is Ivanovic today and all those, who care about justice, fairness and the rule of law, are expected to allow bail for Ivanovic and to accept guarantees that are provided and not to allow instrumentalization of the case in further political ends," Djuric said.

Five days for candidates to apply for the election of Gracanica mayor (KiM Radio)

Member of the CEC, Nenad Rikalo said that at yesterday's meeting of that body were set deadlines for snap local elections for mayor of Gracanica on 18 January.

Rikalo told Beta news agency that the candidates for mayor will be able to apply until 23 December.

The period for voting by mail for displaced persons in central Serbia runs from 13 December to 5 January next year, and the deadline for voting by mail is from the 12th to the 16th of January, added Rikalo.

According to him, the campaign will last only five days, i.e. from 12 to 16 January.

Nikolic preparing proposal of a final solution for Kosovo (KIM radio)

President of Serbia Tomilsav Nikolic announced that he will soon forward to Serbian Government his final proposal on solution for Kosovo and Metohija issue.

“I work on that intensively, considering that we are somewhere on the edge and any further concession of ours would mean that we have a bit silently agreed with many things,” said Nikolic to Belgrade-based weekly NIN. Nikolic added that if there is no unity of the state leadership he can’t do more because neither foreign nor domestic policy is in his jurisdiction.


Rakic: To solve the problems of citizens (KiM radio)

"I want to remind Mr Bahtiri that he pledged, in Brussels in the presence of representatives of the EU and the Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, that the park will not be removed, until a solution is found with which will agree citizens of both municipalities," said Rakic.

Mayor of North Mitrovica, Goran Rakic reacted to a statement of Mayor of South Mitrovica, Agim Bahtiri that "Peace Park" soon would be removed, and went on saying that mayors have more important things to do than to make inflammatory statements.