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UEFA's Kosovo vote "evidently political" – FM (B92)

Kosovo's admission to European football's governing body UEFA is evidently a political decision and a result of major political pressure.

Foreign Minister in the outgoing Serbian government Ivica Dacic said this on Tuesday.

He also reiterated that Serbia "will never recognize Kosovo" - its southern province where ethnic Albanians in 2008 unilaterally declared independence.

SNS wins two-thirds of votes cast in Kosovo (B92)

The SNS party won 67.09 percent of the votes in the Serbian parliamentary elections in Kosovo, the party announced based on 100 percent of ballots processed.

SNS official Marko Djuric, who also heads the Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija, told reporters in Belgrade late on Monday that it was "a historic result for the SNS in Kosovo and Metohija."

"We became united and rallied the Kosovo and Metohija Serbs together," Djuric said.

Dick Marty speaks as potential KLA crimes witness is shot (B92, Alo, KIM radio, Vesti)

Dick Marty has warned that "some people" who were to testify before a new court for KLA crimes "have already been killed."

The Swiss Senator and former Council of Europe (CoE) Special Rapporteur spoke a day after the killing of Bedri Curri, a former KLA member and potential witness for the court. Curri's body was found last week near Glogovac in Kosovo.

Pristina wants "all powers transferred from EU mission" (B92)

The Kosovo government has sent a plan for the transfer of all powers of the EU mission, EULEX, to local authorities.

This has been reported by the Albanian-language daily Koha Ditore, quoted by Tanjug.

The paper published a document in which Pristina calls on the EU to by mid-June transfer all cases initiated or investigated by EULEX to the local judiciary.

"Mountaineers" desecrate Serbian Orthodox church in Pristina (B92, RTS, KIM radio, TV Most, KoSSev)

Pristina-based Albanian language website indeksonlajn has published photographs of two young men climbing an unfinished Orthodox temple.

Serbian state broadcaster RTS is quoting local media as reporting that the scene was one of "a climbing challenge, to the top of the Orthodox church in Pristina."

The two unknown persons climbed up to the highest dome of the Serbian Orthodox Church of Christ the Savior in Pristina.

Terrorist Albanian National Army "appears" in Kosovo (B92, KoSSev)

Armed and uniformed members of the so-called Albanian National Army (ANA; AKSh) "have appeared in the region of Southern (Kosovska) Mitrovica."
This has been reported by the northern-Kosovo based website Kossev, which cited as its source.

A journalist working for the website said he was present during the inspection of "the 21st brigade" of what Kossev said is "a paramilitary structure that is officially designated a terrorist formation."

Government "to back Jeremic's bid for top UN job" (B92, Vecernje Novosti)

The government will on Tuesday discuss supporting the candidature of Vuk Jeremic for the post of the next UN secretary-general, B92 learned.

The daily Vecernje Novosti is reporting that it learned that the government will decide to back the candidature of Serbia's former foreign minister, who also in the past served as president of the UN General Assembly.

Pristina "cannot make the ZSO conditional on other agreements" (B92)

Pristina "cannot make the creation of the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO) conditional."

This was announced by the Serbian Government's Office for Kosovo, which added: "Especially not on telecommunications, the implementation of which has been hampered by Pristina's nonconstructive approach."

Previously, Edita Tahiri, who serves in the Kosovo government, said that the ZSO will not be set up before Kosovo receives a dial code.