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Former MUP members threaten with hunger strike (Kosovapress)

One hundred and fifty former members of the Serbian MUP (Ministry of Internal Affairs) in Kosovo who want solution to their judicial working status in accordance to the Serbian laws, protested today in front of the Serbian Government’s Office for Kosovo in Mitrovica North. Their basic request is to reach a decision based on Serbia’s Constitution and Laws for pensioning the MUP members in Kosovo, and return to their duties for those who refuse early retirement. They threatened Serbia’s state leaders with a hunger strike if their demands are not fulfilled.

Serbian local Health Center stoned in Suvi Do (Kontakt Plus Radio)

The director of the Health Center in Mitrovica North, Milan Ivanovic, said to Kontakt Plus Radio that local Health Center in settlement Suvi Do, which is located next to Mitrovica North, was stoned last night. Ivanovic explained that windows of the premises are broken, what makes the operation of the local Health Center impossible.

Kosovo at UNESCO, Serbs protest at Iber Bridge at 12:44 (Indeksonline)

Students of the so-called University of Pristina in Mitrovica North announced that they will protest today in Mitrovica, with the motto “Kosovo not in UNESCO.”

The protest will be held at “Brothers Milic” square, in vicinity of the central bridge over the River Iber. The protest will start at 12:44 as a symbolic sign for UN Resolution 1244.

Students also appealed to the population, representatives of public and municipal institutions to join the protest.

"Vucic and Dacic violated Serbia’s territorial integrity” (Vesti)

Criminal charges against the Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic were delivered to the Higher Public Prosecutor in Belgrade on Friday for the signing of the Brussels Treaty. The charges were signed by 87 members of the Assembly of Kosovo and Metohija, who have pointed out that the two statesmen "violated the territorial integrity of Serbia".

Opposing views on security in the northern Kosovo (RTK2)

According to the Kosovo police, the situation in the north is normalized. Yet politicians have conflicting opinions.

The deputy regional commander of the Kosovo police Besim Hoti stressed that the current situation in the north is stable regardless of the incidents that have occurred in recent days. He said that police presence increased.

Albanians north from Iber, against changes of municipal borders (Gazeta Express)

Concerned with the recent intentions of the municipal leaders of the new municipality in Mitrovica North, to include under administration of this municipality the entire space along the northern part of River Iber/Ibar, inhabited mainly by Albanians (which is in contradiction with Ahtisaari’s Plan), dwellers of these neighborhoods and villages, Doctors’ neighborhood, Kroi i Vitakut, Sventh September, Suhadoll, Vidimriq, Gushefc and Vinarc, gathered in the afternoon at Suhadoll school to meet Mitrovica mayor, Agim Bahtiri, who listened to the concerns of approxim