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Mogherini meets Mustafa and Vucic separately (Gazeta Express)

The European Union High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Frederica Mogherini, hosted today separate meetings with the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa and the Prime Minister of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, as well as with their respective teams. Spokesperson of the Office of the EU High Representative, Maja Kocijancic, informed about these meetings on her social network Twitter.

Mustafa in Brussels: It would have been different if the special court was voted (Koha)

Kosovo and Serbia will try to reach agreements on telecommunication, the so-called Peace-Park, energy and association of the municipalities with Serb majority. The meeting between the two delegations, led by the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa and Serbia’s Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic, which is mediated by the chief of European diplomacy, Frederica Mogherini, is expected to start earlier this time, however it is expected to last at least until late hours today.

"Agreements reached, all that's missing are signatures" (Danas, B92)

Prime ministers of Kosovo and Serbia Isa Mustafa and Aleksandar Vucic will probably reach agreement on Monday on all issues and sign the "Brussels 2" agreement.

This is according to the Belgrade-based daily Danas.

Pristina-based website meanwhile cited sources close to the meeting in Brussels, who said that Mustafa and Vucic have agreed on all the issues.

Krasniqi: It is the last moment to interrupt discussions with Serbia (Gazeta Express)

Former Kosovo Assembly Speaker and current head of national council of the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA), Jakup Krasniqi, reacted against the statements of Belgrade senior officials who claimed that Belgrade will not give up Gazivoda Lake. He wrote on his Facebook profile that “according to Serbian media, Vucic told Isa Mustafa in front of the EU officials that “there is no chance to accept your requests. We do not give up Gazivoda.”
The national consensus to continue the discussions with Vucic (Serbia)
From Jakup Krasniqi

The Assembly of Kosovo and Metohija to Vucic: Stop negotiations with Mustafa (Vesti)

Assembly of the Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija in a letter to Serbian Prime Minister protested against his creation of situation in the country as dramatic and expressed concern that it is about "preparing public opinion for new concessions which will mean a total surrender of Kosovo and Metohija."

Three good news and one bad news for Kosovo from Brussels (Klan Kosova)

The news agency reports that from today’s meeting in Brussels, Kosovo could get its own telephone code, a good agreement on the Gazivoda Lake and the removal of the Peace Park on Ibar Bridge that would enable the free movement of people and goods. Belgrade and Serbs, meanwhile, hope they will get something for the Association/Community of Serb-majority Municipalities and also cheaper rates for telephone conversations between Serbs in Kosovo and those in Serbia proper.

Murtezaj: Association in accordance with Kosovo Constitution and laws (RTK)

The Prime Minister of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa, will meet his Serbian counterpart, Aleksandar Vucic, in Brussels tomorrow. The representatives of both governments said they are expecting positive results from the meeting. Valon Murtezaj, the advisor for foreign affairs to Prime Minister Mustafa, told RTK that Pristina will initially ask for the implementation of the agreements reached so far before moving on to other topics. “Then we will try to achieve progress in concrete areas such as the telecom, namely the telephone code, and also the energy.

PM says he is ready to pay repsects in Srebrenica (B92)

"If Bosniaks want it and if that is not an additional difficulty for them, I will be ready to honor Muslim victims in Srebrenica," says Aleksandar Vucic.

As prime minister I am ready to bow and lower my head and show what kind of relationship we Serbs have towards the innocent victims of Srebrenica. That those 99.9 percent of Serbs who did not participate in the crime can go with their head held high anywhere in the world," Vucic said in remarks to the media in Belgrade on Friday.

Vucic: Things are getting complicated, let’s stay united (B92)

Prime Minister of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic has called citizens to be fully united because in next days and months ‘full political stability should be preserved’. He added that this is needed for providing a safe future and better economy.

At the press conference in Belgrade Vucic said that the following month will be difficult for Serbia and that talks in Brussels between Belgrade and Pristina on 23 June will be difficult.